Perspectives on Emerging Technology Options MRIA Annual Forum 2018. Brendan Barry Manager, Technology Innovation Unit ESB Innovation 2nd February 2018
CO2 Emissions, Climate & Electricity in context Just 20% of the Energy used by Consumers in Ireland is Electricity Less than 20% of the Green House Gas emissions in Ireland are from the Electricity sector Must move transport and heat from oil and gas to electricity & decarbonise electricity OTHER (NON ETS) 6% ELECTRICITY GENERATION 19% 11.3 Mt HEAT 15% 19.38Mt CO2 OTHER (ETS) 8% TRANSPORT 19% 11.8 Mt AGRICULTURE 33% 19.8 Mt
Energy Sector: Scale of the challenge
The roadmap for electricity generation Majority Intermittent renewables supported by IC, Storage and DR Marine renewables component Significant CCGT with CCS No Coal and Peat Biomass contribution OTHER (ETS) 8%
Marine Renewable emerging technology success factors Stepping through Technology Readiness Levels Technology convergence and learning rates Competitive with other renewables At scale, export markets Complimentary Storage technologies Innovation management & collaborations Range of pilot projects
Westwave, 5MW demonstration wave project Consenting studies Grid connection offer Landowner agreement Community engagement Funding support: SEAI / EC Policy support: OREDP Technology Ready NER300 FC/COD timelines
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