The Venetian School: From Renaissance to Baroque Part 3, Section 4 - 10/9/17
Venice Venice became center of instrumental & vocal music St. Mark’s Cathedral = center of music in Venice Employed up to 20 instrumentalists & 30 singers Venetian School: Finest composers of the Renaissance Music directors & organists at St. Mark’s Cathedral Cathedral had 2 widely separated choir lofts, each with an organ Much of their music was for 2 choruses & groups of instruments Conscious use of instrumental color brings some works of Venetian school close to the early Baroque style Tendency toward homophonic texture, instead of typical Renaissance polyphonic music
Composer: Giovanni Gabrieli Most important Venetian composer of late Renaissance Organist Polychoral motets - motets for 2+ choirs, plus instruments Instrumentation: 12 parts (3 groups) Form: Polychoral motet Texture: Homophonic Meter: Duple Notes: Borders both the Renaissance & Baroque era Plaudite Composer: Giovanni Gabrieli