Update on "Building the Single Market for Green Products" (SMGP) Dr. Michele Galatola Product team leader DG Environment – Eco-Innovation and circular economy
SMGP milestones Communication "Building the Single Market for Green Products" adopted by the Commission on April 9th Commission Recommendation to Members States and other private actors on The use of common methods to measure and communicate the life cycle environmental performance of products and organisations published on the European Official Journal - L 124, Volume 56, 4 May 2013 European Environmental Footprint pilot phase started on May 30th 2013 with the publication of the 1st call for volunteers More info available at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/smgp/index.htm
Building the Single Market for Green Products SMGP Objective To improve the availability of clear, reliable and comparable information on the environmental performance of products and organisations Communication: Building the Single Market for Green Products Commission Recommendation PEF OEF 3-year Pilot phase Communication principles 3-year pilot phase International dialogue UCPD Guidance How
Next steps: The pilot/testing for PEF and OEF Objectives are to: development of product group and sector specific rules, including performance benchmarks test different compliance and verification systems test different communication vehicles Engagement of key stakeholders, including from outside EU Focus on simplification and applicability
Pilot phase 1st wave of pilots 2nd wave of pilots Call for volunteers May 2013 No food and drink related products (ENVIFOOD Protocol) 2nd wave of pilots Call for volunteers expected second quarter 2014 Open to food and drink related products
Disclosure & Communication In the context of the EU PEF Pilots, the PEFCRs shall also include a specific section describing the 3-4 best ways of communicating the results of a PEF-profile to different stakeholders (B2B and B2C as appropriate). The choice of these communication vehicles will be part of the consultation process led by each Technical Secretariat. The chosen communication vehicles will then be tested during the last phase of the pilot. More details about this element of the pilot will be provided at a later stage. Future policies
Disclosure & Communication PEF external communication report PEF performance tracking report PEF declaration PEF label Future policies OEF external communication report OEF performance tracking report
Pilot phase WHO can propose a pilot: Single companies Cluster of companies National, European or non-European industry associations NGOs Member States or non EU governments Universities, Research Institutions International organisations Any mix of the organisations mentioned above As leaders As proponents / participants The Commission will lead on a limited number of pilots
Representativeness Major competitors or their representatives – 75% of EU market invited (yearly turnover) All companies contributing to more than 10% of the market are invited 51% of the EU market actively participating Wide range of stakeholders (SMEs, consumers and environmental associations) involved
Governance Technical Advisory Board Steering Committee MS representatives Commission Representative from pilots Representatives of main stakeholder groups Approvals, monitoring and conflict resolution Technical Advisory Board EF Technical Helpdesk Tech. Secretariat 1 Tech. Secretariat 2 Tech. Secretariat …n NGOs Ind. SMEs PAs Representative stakeholders NGOs Ind. SMEs PAs Representative stakeholders NGOs Ind. SMEs PAs Representative stakeholders
Timeline Deadline of applications: 26 July, 12:00 CET Selection of product groups and sectors: September 2013 Start of the pilots (October/November 2013) End of the pilots (end 2016)
2nd phase Future policies Policy discussion Peer review of the pilot phase and of alternative methods tested under similar conditions Internal evaluation of the pilots starting with September 2016
For any further information http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/smgp/ env-environmental-footprint@ec.europa.eu 13 13