Learning and Leading for Transformative Technology Integration Teacher Leadership Learning and Leading for Transformative Technology Integration
What are Teacher Leaders? Teacher leaders are those “who possess K-12 teaching responsibilities with students but who also engage in leadership activities outside their classrooms.” Engaging in activity in policy decision making Supporting other teachers’ professional learning Improving student learning Seeking whole-school improvement
What are Teacher Leaders? Teacher leadership involves addressing, “challenges identified by teachers, not assigned to teachers.” What’s the difference?
What are some characteristics of teacher leaders? Flexible thinkers who move beyond business-as-usual Self-disciplined and open to ambiguity Experts in their knowledge domain Intrinsically motivated Have agency—the ability to make professional judgments around problems of practice Work to support their communities (local, professional, and student)
Benefits and Challenges of Engaging in Teacher Leadership Practices Benefits include Better relationships with colleagues Confidence and empowerment Continued growth as an educator Greater responsibility The ability to shape the educational landscape
Benefits and Challenges of Engaging in Teacher Leadership Practices Challenges include Increased stressed around dual roles—teacher and leader Lack of time Feeling dumped on Potential friction with other teachers Resistant colleagues
How do teacher leaders leverage technology? Conferences and meetings organized online...e.g., EdCamps Both face-to-face and virtual Can be organized around topics, subject areas, or grade levels Advertised via social platforms like Facebook and Twitter Not restricted to a single school or district
How do teacher leaders leverage technology? Networking with other education professionals online... Facebook Groups Twitter Blogs: http://blog.mrmeyer.com and https://mrsbeers.com and https://dianeravitch.net Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/matheducation/
Online Teacher Identity Check your School’s Acceptable Use Policy Data Privacy Digital Citizenship Communicate online how you would in person Be positive Be respectful Don’t post when you are angry! Online Teacher-Student Connections Connect with all...or none. Connect for educational purposes ONLY
Why should educators embrace technology? Two Views Yes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOTEQVYDPpg No: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqjh24uq9tM Who is right!?