My Church’s Emphasis: Maintenance or Mission
The answer should be: BOTH
Both are assignments for the church Both are assignments for the church. It is when they are out of balance, that we get into difficulty.
If we overemphasize “mission,” our members will burn out or drop out due to overwork or neglect of their own needs.
If we overemphasize “maintenance,” we will fail to obey the great commission and will become dead like the dead sea: all intake, no outflow.
How can we maintain a good balance?
What does the Bible have to say on the topic?
Maintenace: We must keep the flock healthy spiritually. -Acts 20:28-31
2. We must train people how to minister to themselves and to others 2. We must train people how to minister to themselves and to others. We need more practice in building each other up in the Lord! - Rom 15:1-2
3. We must help our members discover what their spiritual gifts are and how to use them. - Eph 4: 7,11-16
4. Empowerment must come before mission can be effective. -Acts 1:4-8
How about “Mission?” Mission usually results from healthy maintenance. A healthy church will draw people to it …
…and spiritually healthy people are more likely to follow the Lord’s command to reach the lost world with the gospel!
Our ‘mission instruction’ is clearly spelled out in Matt. 28:19-20 Our ‘mission instruction’ is clearly spelled out in Matt. 28:19-20. We are to go, teach, baptize and disciple people.
And there are thousands of different ways to be obedient to His command. How creative will you be? How obedient will you be?
How is your church doing with its ‘balance?’ How are YOU doing with this balance?
What can we do to help our church maintain a good balance between mission and maintenance?
1. Start with yourself
2. Help to train/teach the church members
3. Study the letters to the 7 churches and learn from their strengths/weaknesses in this task.
4. Pray! God wants this balance, so you can be assured of His help!