Assignment Menu Directions


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Presentation transcript:

Assignment Menu Directions

Some students may have more assignments than others assignments total from American Revolution and Statehood add to 100 Points Total points add up to 100 Some students may have more assignments than others Today I will be learning about the American Revolution because it relates to our freedoms we have today.

Label the Assignments at the header of the paper: Example: Mastery Level 1 Timeline Self-Expressive Level 3 Who Were the Loyalists Today I will be learning about the American Revolution because it relates to our freedoms we have today.

Am I on track to finish the menu? Where am I with the menu? Am I on track to finish the menu? What do I need to do to finish the menu on time? Today I will be learning about the American Revolution because it relates to our freedoms we have today.

Turn in 1) Put together in order American Revolution Menu. **Ensure each assignment is labeled **Write your NAME on the cover sheet 2) For documentary, put on a sheet of paper the assignment label, list all members of group, and who is turning in the video (AC only) 3) For very large posters, put on a sheet of paper the assignment label and write “see poster assignment” 4) Place the Assignment Menu choice sheet as cover page. 5) Staple the assignments together and turn in on table. 6) Begin work on Bill of Rights Activity (begin on p. 507-508) Today I will be learning about the American Revolution because it relates to our freedoms we have today.