Item 4.3 Gender statistics Joachim Recktenwald Eurostat F2 – Labour market statistics 21-22 March 2011 Meeting of the European Directors of Social Statistics
Gender equality indicators online Policy context 2010-2015 strategy for equality between women and men Aim: increase visibility of gender statistics available in the ESS Presentation of gender indicators in the context of other policy indicator sets Criteria for indicator selection Policy relevance Various topics (education, labour market, child care, …) Data availability Easy to understand 21-22 March 2011 Item 4.3 Gender statistics
http://epp. eurostat. ec. europa 21-22 March 2011 Item 4.3 Gender statistics
Inventory of available data by sex Available breakdown by sex of Eurostat data Other gender-related statistics Results Disaggregation mainly relevant for social statistics, but also for business and agriculture statistics Where relevant, nearly all data are available by sex 21-22 March 2011 Item 4.3 Gender statistics
European Institute for Gender Equality – EIGE New European agency which supports the EU and MS in their efforts to promote gender equality Cooperation in statistics Working Group on Beijing indicators Experts’ group on European Gender Equality index Eurostat provides information and advice on available data and methodologies 21-22 March 2011 Item 4.3 Gender statistics
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe – UNECE UNECE provides institutional framework on gender statistics in the UNECE region Work coordinated by the Conference of European Statisticians (CES) and its steering group on gender statistics Activities with Eurostat involvement: UNECE work sessions on gender statistics Every 2-3 years (last meeting: April 2010) Task Force on Indicators for Gender Equality Improve monitoring of gender equality in the ECE region Final report: September 2012 21-22 March 2011 Item 4.3 Gender statistics