The report on nature protection measures Sevastopol Chapter
Our programs 1. Clean up our planet 2. Water for life 3. Save the world of Dolphin 4. Plant a tree 5. Eco-Energy
The purposes of actions: Eco-ethical education of schoolchildrens of Sevastopol. Preservation of a biological variety of species Formation of skills of eco-ethical behaviour in a nature. Eco-ethical education of the population of city Improvement of an ecological and aesthetic condition of natural territories and territory of grammar school 8. Increase of the area of green plantings and parks in city
The tasks necessary for achievement of the purposes of the project Coordination of actions of various organizations and establishments involved in the project The edition of the information posters Purchase of the necessary equipment, plants and transport. Attraction of mass media
Realization of the project 120 plants are planted. In realization of plantings have taken part more than 40eco-scouts. 400 trees were dug round in park. More than 200 schoolchildren have taken part in this actions. The channels of 4 springs are cleared. 65 eco-scouts have taken part in this actions. Is assembled and 65 bags of dust are taken out. The territory by the area of 4 hectares is cleared. The action was covered by TV The territory of reserve of " Kazachia Bay ", Laspi Bay and Dry river are removed. 54 eco-scouts, 40 students of the University have taken part in this actions. The territory by the area of 6 hectares is cleared. Training on eco-energy problems. 20 eco-scouts have taken part in this training.
Realization of the project - Realization of evening of memory devoted to 23 anniversary to accident in Chernobyl. This evening has taken place on the summer concert hall on the Seaside parkway. - The edition of the information posters " Know and protect a nature of Sevastopol " This posters are handed to all Sevastopol schools, children's gardens and universities. - Competition of children's figure on asphalt «Save the world of Dolphin!» More than 60 children have taken part in this competition. Children's holiday On a visit at Doplphins». More than 400 children – participants of the different eco-ethical actions have taken part in this holiday. My former eco-scouts assisted me in this holiday. The participants of the actions both competitions were awarded with souvenirs and books and a special Badges "Friend of Dolphin"..
Results of realization of the project 1000 information posters «Know and protect a nature of Sevastopol. The Red book» are issued and are distributed at schools both other educational institutions and establishments of city The common area of the ordered territories has made more than 10 Hectares. More than 500 inhabitants of Sevastopol have taken part in realization of evening - memory " a Sight in the future ", devoted to 23 anniversary to accident on Chernobyl atomic station. The channels and territory of 4 springs are cleared. 20 trees of deciduous breeds, 60 bushes of decorative breeds and 85 copies of long-term decorative plants are planted. In total more than 700 learning different educational institutions of city, more than 50 students of Universities of Sevastopol, more than 70 men of the adult population were involved in a course of realization of the project.