FOURTH GRADE FebRUaRy 4-8th DATES TO rEMEMBEr Mrs. Luedeker FebRUaRy 4-8th WHAT WE ARE LEARNING: DATES TO rEMEMBEr Math: Perimeter and Area Reading: Analyze, draw conclusions, and summarize expository text Writing: Editing and Revising/Pronouns Social Studies: Week 18-Alamo-Texans/Santa Anna Science: Inherited Traits 3 week Progress Reports went home last week on Thursday. Please sign and return.. This is your chid’s average in each subject for the 3 week mark. Feb. 14-Valentine’s Day party 1:30 p.m. Feb. 15 –Early release; end of the 4th grading period Feb. 18 –President’s Day –Student Holiday Feb. 21-REPORT CARDS go home Feb. 25 –Six Flags Reading forms due Feb. 28- 4th Grade Music Program 6:00 p.m. HOMEWORK! Reading Log ; Math h.w. on Tues/Thurs. Messages from Fourth Grade Six Flags Reading log-Earn a free Six Flags ticket by logging your reading time. Forms due February 25. Scholastic Book Order forms for February –orders due Fri., Feb. 8