Prioritised Action Frameworks for Natura 2000 EU co-financing of conservation measures LIFE+ PAF Workshop Brussels, 3 October 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Prioritised Action Frameworks for Natura 2000 EU co-financing of conservation measures LIFE+ PAF Workshop Brussels, 3 October 2012

Strategy for EU co-financing of Natura 2000 “At EU level, a strengthened integrated approach using the various EU sectoral funds, ensuring their consistency with the priorities of Natura 2000 action frameworks, together with an enhanced LIFE Biodiversity strand, will provide a strong basis for the new Natura 2000 financing strategy“ Environmental Policy fiche of Communication on 'A budget for Europe 2020'

Context Article 8 of HD provides for EU co-financing for Natura 2000 'Integration' approach to be used Article 8 already foresees need for PAFs when sites are SACs Only possible on basis of MS establishing National and/or regional Natura 2000 (PAFs) for next financing period. PAFs are planning tools to identify key priorities & provide an integrated overview of use of different financing instruments need to ensure the consistency Natura 2000 financing under different integration programmes with priorities of PAFs To maximise their influence PAFs need to be established in advance of finalisation of programmes for next funding period.

Overview of opportunities for financing Natura 2000 in the next MFF (2014-2020): structural funds (ERDF and ESF) and Cohesion Fund; European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD); European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF); Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE); Typology and examples of conservation measures eligible for EU co-financing; State of play of the multiannual financial framework (MFF) discussions re. Natura 2000; Future actions.

Structural funds and the Cohesion Fund Clearer targeting on Europe 2020 objectives; Particular importance in less developed regions but also opportunities in more developed regions; Cross-border territorial co-operation between MS; Article 5(6)(d) ERDF regulation – ref. to biodiv, N2000 and GI; Co-benefits with climate, SME, R&D, resource efficiency agenda; Opportunities also under the ESF; For the first time also possibilities under CF in the context of green infrastructure.

Examples of measures financed from structural funds Establishment of Natura 2000 sites (bird tracking for the purpose of designation of Marine Protected Areas in the UK); Preparation of management plans (400 management plans in PL); Conservation management measures (restoration of wetlands in RO, grasslands in HU, forests in CZ, removal of IAS in HU); Monitoring (endangered species in AT and CZ).

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reg. on direct payments - greening 1st pillar – 30% mandatory measures; Reg. on EAFRD - 2nd pillar to support public goods delivered by Natura 2000 [Article 5(4)(a)]; Compensation for specific mandatory requirements in management plans or equivalent instruments; Also agri-environment-climate and forest-environment payments to support Natura 2000.

Examples of measures financed from EAFRD Conservation measures (restoration of open habitats, plantation of hedgerows, wetland management in FR, grassland management through late mowing in RO, restoration of riparian strips in IT); Payments of forgone income in HNV and Natura 2000 Bird sites in SK; Sylvi-env. scheme dedicated to Natura 2000 in CZ. Development of management plans (HU).

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) Stronger focus on ecosystem based management of fisheries; Support management, restoration and monitoring of Natura 2000; Explicit recognition of link to prioritised action frameworks; Promoting involvement of fishermen and other key stakeholders; Allow compensation to promote aquaculture methods compatible with Natura 2000 protection.

Examples of measures financed from EMFF Scientific studies/inventories for the identification of sites (EFF project „Finding Sanctuary”: mapping fishing activities and local ecosystems; identification of national marine conservation zones in the UK); Development of sustainable fisheries management plans including within a number of SPAs & SACs (UK); Management measures (pilot study to mitigate by-catch of harbour porpoise in the NL).

LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action Proposed budget of €3.2 billion; "Biodiversity" strand: development of best practices; focus on supporting Natura 2000 sites; To lever other EU and domestic funds through „integrated projects".

Examples of measures financed from LIFE Identification of sites; Pilot projects; Preparation of management plans; Management measures; Risk management (fire prevention and control, flooding etc); Information and publicity; Assistance in preparation of PAFs; New category of „integrated projects”.

State of play and future actions Multiannual Financial Framework negotiated at the moment; MS to specify their financing needs for Natura 2000 under relevant programmes; Consistency between PAFs and OPs is the key issue; New contract: Improving uptake of funds for Natura 2000: Update of guidance document on financing Natura 2000; Toolkit for securing consistency between PAFs and OPs; Seminars in several MS; ENEA-MA Working Group on Biodiversity

Proposed format for Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs) A. Introductory overview of Natura 2000 network for territory; B. Status of the habitats and species; C. Legal and administrative provisions for protection and management of Natura 2000; D. Current experience with use of EU financial instruments; E. Current estimate of financial needs for management of Natura 2000 for territory; F. Strategic conservation priorities for Natura 2000 for 2014-2020; G. Description of key measures to achieve priorities; H. Monitoring, evaluation and updating.

F. Strategic conservation priorities for Natura 2000 for 2014-2020 Having regard to need for measurable progress on nature sub-target under EU 2020 biodiversity strategy (Habitats and Birds Directives) and for ensuring good functioning of Natura 2000 network (SACs + SPAs) F1: Summary of priorities for period (and expected outcomes) for priority habitat types and species F2: Summary of priorities for period (and expected outcomes) for other habitat types and species F3: Strategic priorities for investments in Natura 2000 linked to green tourism and jobs, to support climate change mitigation and adaptation or other ecosystem benefits, for research, education, training, awareness and promotion of co-operation (including cross-border) linked to Natura 2000 management

Underlining benefits of investing in Natura 2000 Key focus of EU funding is on Europe 2020 agenda – growth and jobs! Ecosystem services from network of Natura 2000 sites worth between €200 to 300 billion/yr (IEEP led study) Natura 2000 stores approx. 9.6 billion tonnes of carbon (equiv. 35 billion tonnes of CO2) valued at between €607 billion and €1,130 billion; Estimated between 1.2 to 2.2 billion visitor days/yr to Natura 2000 - recreational benefits of € 5 - € 9 billion per annum. Key contribution to meeting other EU environmental objectives and targets set by the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directives; Synergies and co-benefits with climate change adaptation through working with nature (new guidance on climage change and Natura 2000) Natura 2000 is the core element of the future green infrastructure.

G Description of key measures to achieve priorities G.1 General Priority Measures for Natura 2000 G.1.a … agricultural and forest habitats and species G.1.b … marine and coastal habitats and species G.1.c .. wetlands habitats and species (including peatlands) G2 Other priority measures G.2.a …for securing ecosystem benefits of Natura 2000, especially in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation G.2.b … for promoting sustainable tourism and employment G.2.c .. to promote innovative approaches in relation to Natura 2000 G3 Summary Table for measures per species and habitat type

Identification of the required conservation measures is one of the key elements of the PAFs. Funding is necessary to implement these measures.

For more information, please consult: Contact: Micheal.O’ For more information, please consult: 20 20