By Luan Nguyen And Justin Cutter CLIC By Luan Nguyen And Justin Cutter
What is CLIC? CLIC is an acronym for Right… so what is CLIC? Cooperative Live Interactive Curriculum Right… so what is CLIC? A program that lets students give instantaneous anonymous feedback during a lecture, and lets professors adapt their lectures according to this feedback (on the spot & for future presentations).
Student-side Application
Professor-side Application Elongated bar which is designed to be on-screen alongside the professor’s slides
Some Scenarios
System Reqs Student-side and Prof-side apps Web server Windows applications using C++/Java or other OOP lang. Web server Go-between interface which relays info back and forth between the two sides Also handles “class subscription” to the service Possibly an authentication system Used to prevent unwelcome participation by those not in the class
Architecture Take one Take two The two client apps will be PC executables which communicate with the web-server via web services Take two The two sides (student and professor) will access the service directly through their web-browser In any case, the two applications will be clients to the web-server
Users and stakeholders Obviously users would be students and profs Two HUGE assumptions Sometime in the near future a majority of students will own laptops a majority of lecture halls will have wireless internet Universities will be the major stakeholders as they will want to improve the quality of learning
Benefits Students can do something about feeling “lost” during a lecture without sacrificing their integrity since everything is strictly anonymous Professors can gather instant feedback and maximize student understanding of the subject
Low Risk Individual components (two client apps, web-server) are relatively simple Requires no new technology Only risk would be to finish, but have no users due to our two assumptions The program can only *add* to lectures, not take anything away: worst-case is that the lectures go on without utilizing CLIC
Possible Expansions Expand to support Macs Create new user interface for student-side app to support other hand-held devices PDA Pocket PC’s Smartphones Possibly incorporate data encryption
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