CCICED Enterprise Forum Björn Stigson President of the WBCSD Beijing, April 23, 2008 World Business Council for Sustainable Development
6 Areas where Innovation is Needed Technology Innovation Public Policies and Regulations Public Private Partnerships Physical Infrastructure Mindsets Global Equity and Responsibility
CO2 Emissions - 450 Stabilisation Case Achievable or Science Fiction? Energy-Related CO2 Emissions 42 Gt 45 CCS in industry – 3% Reference Scenario CCS in power generation - 9% 40 Nuclear – 13% Renewables – 20% 35 Switching from coal to gas - 8% 2 End Use electricity efficiency -17% 30 Gt of CO End Use fuel efficiency – 30% 25 27 Gt 450 Stabilisation Case 23 Gt 20 15 10 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 By 2030, emissions are reduced to some 23 Gt, a reduction of 19 Gt compared with the Reference Scenario (IEA) 3
Average Annual Power Generation Capacity Additions in the 450 Stabilisation Case, 2013-2030 22 CCS coal-fired plants (800 MW) 20 CCS gas-fired plants (500 MW) 30 nuclear reactors (1000 MW) 2 Three Gorges Dams 400 CHP plants (40 MW) 17 000 turbines (3 MW) 10 20 30 40 50 60 Other Renewables Wind Biomass and waste Hydropower Nuclear Gas CCS Coal CCS GW A large amount of capacity would need to be retired early, entailing substantial costs (IEA) 4
The Global Energy and Climate House Post-2012 Global Framework Burden sharing Technology Markets Finance Global Mindsets Regulations National Data Infrastructure