2/12/18 Go Formative & Graph this: 6x=2y+10
Graph of the Day 6x=2y+10
*Origami and rotations AGENDA *Origami and rotations * Rotations Practice Sheet Check in GoFormative *Shape Mods or Bug Game
Fold two corners inward to center. Fold in half. Repeat Fold diagonal. Repeat Fold two corners inward to center. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJV--5ZmjJU
Picture Puzzle Gallery Walk Teams will use their origami circle and camera to take a beginning and ending picture after performing rotations. Each TEAM is to create a beginning and ending picture puzzle and leave on his/her computer. We will then tour the gallery and solve the puzzles in our comp books.
Beginning End
Solution Beginning End
Beginning End Your Name
Solution Beginning End
Sketch (look at colros) Signature of artist if correct On a piece of paper, make this table Artist Beginning Sketch (look at colros) End Sketch (look at colors) Explanation Signature of artist if correct Make room to visit 8 computers!
Picture Puzzle Gallery Walk Using the table you created, on a timer we will visit surrounding computers. Fill in the table except for the signature column.
EX1: ROTATE 180 degrees ccw Pre-Image Image A(3,6) B(4,3) C(1,1)
EX2: ROTATE 90 degrees cw Pre-Image Image
WK Sheet: 1 Pre-Image Image
in GoFormative and check as you go #1-3 Enter answers in GoFormative and check as you go #1-3 http://calculationnation.nctm.org/Games/Game.aspx?GameId=A1A1A1A1-624D-4CDD-B761-7E0B364404E1 Write the vertices of X’_________, Y’_____________, and Z’____________.