World War II Optional Project
The Details Must be some type of performance. Can be a song, rap, original piece of music, music video, documentary, reenactment, movie, etc. Songs and music videos must be at least 90 seconds in length. Documentaries, reenactments, movies must be at least 4 minutes in length. Groups can be between 1 and 5 people and they don’t have to be in this class. Must be original, may use humor, be interesting, but can be serious, as well. Must be about any part of World War II or the war as a whole. Performances must be on video and saved electronically or on YouTube. Videos must be submitted on or before March 1st. Performances will be shown to all classes.
It’s a good chance to learn something extra about World War II. So, why should I do this? It’s a good chance to learn something extra about World War II.
This is a great project for anyone who has a GIEP. So, why should I do this? This is a great project for anyone who has a GIEP.
So, why should I do this? Anyone who does the project will receive 10 extra credit points on the third marking period.
And they will vote on the best one… All students in all classes will be viewing all the performances from all students in all of Mr. Felton’s classes. And they will vote on the best one…
And the best one…
Will win…
A Free Homework Pass…
For the rest of the year.