The Referee has the responsibility to ALLOW Go Game players to play CAMOGIE: In a SAFE & FUN EnVironment
Go Games GO GAMES Policy And Playing Rules To Be Strictly Adhered To For all Age Groups. Games are developmental – Player Pathway Zones must be used Games are played in cluster blitz and mini league format – Tables kept at U11 and U12 for grading purposes Players get to try all positions; Players must wear helmet with face guard and Shin guards; Extra points are awarded for the execution of particular skills; Fun and Learning element is stressed – no winners/medals/prizes; Encourage the players at all times
Go Games Guidelines When the sliotar is played over the sideline, the nearest player on the opposing team takes the sideline cut A player who is fouled must take her own free If a team plays the sliotar over its own end line, the other team is awarded a free puck from the half way line opposite where the sliotar crossed the end line Free pucks should never be taken closer than 13m from the opposing end line Players are not allowed to kick the ball but if the sliotar hits their foot or leg it isn’t a foul (Rule change - from U9 up players are now allowed 1 kick on the ground) Roll on / Roll off subs
Rules - Under 8 Cluster Blitz format; Time - 7-mins per half; Teams: 7-a-side (8–a-side max) - No streaming; If too many players, set up another matchPitch – 45m X 40m; Poles for goals – two outside posts 3 feet from goal post; “First Touch” (Large soft Sliotar); Players must wear helmet with faceguard and shinguards; Scoring: Under bar = 3 pts; Over bar = 3 pts; If using poles all scores = 3 pts; Between goalpost and outside post = 1 pt;
Rules - Under 8 3 zones marked by cones (Defence, Midfield, Forward); Players must remain in their own zone; Rotate players for each half (i.e. backs to midfield, midfield to forward etc) All players to play at least half of each match; Ground striking only; No kicking allowed; Goalkeeper may catch or pick the ball and strike from the hand; No 45’s.
Rules Under 9/Under 10 Cluster Blitz format; Time - 10-mins per half; Teams - 9-a-side (Max); Pitch – 65m X 40m Regulation goalposts or Poles for goals; “Quick Touch” Sliotar; Scoring: - If using poles – scores only; If using goalposts – 3 pts over the bar, 1 pt under the bar; Bonus points for skills – Clean catch in the air – Lift and strike; Team with highest overall score at end of match wins.
Rules Under 9/Under 10 Two zones marked by cones; Backs and forwards must remain in zones; Bibs for midfielders – can move between zones; Players must rotate at half time etc; Players can strike ball from the hand in both halves; Player may take 4 steps with ball in hand; Soloing NOT allowed; One kick on the ground allowed – Kicked score not allowed; Sideline – player nearest the line takes sideline; 45’s from half way line.
Rules Under 11/Under 12 Cluster blitz and mini league formats; Time - 12-mins per half (Blitzes), 25 min-a-side – mini league; Teams:- Max 11-a-side ; Not streamed for cluster blitzes; Streamed for mini league - Panels submitted gto Co Board before start of league; Must rotate positions in cluster blitzes only (not required in league); Pitch – 90m X 50m Regulation Goalposts (Poles may be used for cluster blitzes); “Smart Touch” Sliotar; Normal scoring (i.e. 1 pt over the bar, 3 pts under the bar); Score returned to Co Board for mini leagues
Rules Under 11/Under 12 No zones; Player may take 4 steps with ball in hand – Play ball away; OR 4 steps, tap on hurley, 4 more steps – play ball away; One kick on the ground allowed – can’t kick score; 45s from halfway line.
Camogie Rules - General Ball hits any flag – Sideline Cut How many times can a goalie hit the ball on a puck out? As often as she likes as long as she doesn’t take it in her hand a 2nd time Ball hits a non-player near a boundary line Give decision as if it had not hit that person or animal Ball hits referee in the middle of the pitch Throw in Ball is prevented from going into goal by a non-player Allow score
Camogie Rules - continued 20.20 A player may: Strike the sliotar on the ground or in the air with the camán. (b) Lift the sliotar off the ground with the camán or with the feet or with a combination of camán and foot; Catch the sliotar with one hand; (d) Strike or hand-pass the sliotar with one hand; (e) Turn while holding the sliotar; (f) Take four steps while holding the sliotar
Technical Fouls - Fouls on the sliotar Pick up the sliotar from the ground with the hand; Touch the sliotar on the ground with the hand except when, with the sliotar in her hand, she falls to the ground and the sliotar touches the ground; 3. Throw the sliotar away from her; 4. Throw the sliotar up and catch it; 5. Pass the sliotar from one hand to the other without playing it on her hurley; Hop the sliotar on one hand; Hold the sliotar longer than is necessary to play it away from her. Penalty: A free to the opposing team from where the foul occurred.
(Aggressive Fouls – foul on the player) 20.23 A player may not: Shoulder, push, trip, catch, hold or pull down an opponent; Charge, back into or obstruct an opponent; Reach from behind with the camán over another player for the purpose of getting the sliotar; (d) “dig” an opponent with the camán; Chop, i.e. Strike downwards on an opponent’s camán; Penalty: A free to the opposing team from where the foul occurred – Issue yellow card.