Words with “ie” and “ei” Definitions from the Holt Spelling Handbook Lesson #7 Words with “ie” and “ei” Definitions from the Holt Spelling Handbook
boyfriend girlfriend mischief pier freight foreign receive receiver 9. belief 10.relief 11.weighed 12.reins 13.fierce 14.heights 15.thieves 16.achieve
boyfriend (noun) a favorite male companion
2. girlfriend (noun) a favorite female companion
3. mischief (noun) an act that is not truly bad but that causes some harm or damage
4. pier (noun) a structure built out over the water from the shore
5. freight (noun) goods moved by plane, ship, truck or train
6. foreign (adj.) away from one’s own country relating to another country
7. receive (verb) to get or take what is given
8. receiver (noun) a person or thing that receives something
9. belief (noun) an idea held in the mind and thought to be true
(noun) something that brings freedom from suffering or sorrow 10. relief
11. weighed (verb) to find out how heavy something is
(noun) a narrow strap fastened to a horse’s bit that is used by the driver or rider to control the horse 12. reins
13. fierce (adj.) likely to attack dangerous
14. heights (noun) a high place
15. thieves (noun) people that steal
16. achieve (verb) to do or carry out