Starter of the day Pick one of the grid puzzles. Attempt to draw the image using the grid puzzle. Match the numbers and letters and draw in the space provided.
Art B Lino Block
Agenda Go over what we did last time Demo on how to block an image. Demo on how to grid an image. All of us will grid our images together. If you are drawing your image you will follow along but will draw your image.
Last Time We went over basic safety for using the gouge and lino block. Everyone took a safety test We went over what a lino block or relief print will look like. Than we looked up images or came up with images that we could use for our lino block. Everyone made a list of 15 ideas, drew 5 rough draft sketches of those ideas, than decided on a final idea. If you were not here last time you will need to catch up on your own time.
Carve a block
Monotone=one color
Prints backwards
What direction do you cut your lino-block? Safety Test What direction do you cut your lino-block?
And away from other people Away from you And away from other people
What tool other than a gouge do you use to cut your lino-block?
You always have to have a bench plate under what you are cutting
If you get cut, what should you do?
Put pressure on the cut Walk over to the sink Rinse it off with water Put a paper towel over it Get a Band-Aid from Mrs. Francesocni Please tell Mrs. Francesconi if you cut yourself
If you break a gouge tip, what should you do?
Accidence happen, Tell Mrs. Francesconi and she will give you a new gouge tip If people break more than a few gouge tips, then we will wonder if it’s not an accident
What do you have to do to earn your lino-block?
You need to get a perfect score on this test You can take the test as many times as you need to in order to pass
How many lino-blocks do you get for this project?
Everyone gets only one lino-block
Studio Goal Draw your image onto your lino block. You can grid or just draw if you are good enough to just draw. Your options are to… find a photo and do half positive space half negative space. Draw your own image onto the lino block Do a combination of printing an image and drawing your own. If you are going to be doing one from a photo you will need to e-mail me the photo you want to work from so I can print it.