Warm-Up What are some good descriptive words that can be used for describing people?
Character Descriptions
Character Descriptions in Roll of Thunder The man was a human tree in height, towering high above papa’s six foot, two inches. The long trunk of his massive body bulged with muscle, and his skin, of the deepest ebony, was partially scarred upon his face and neck, as if by fire. Deep lifelines were cut into his face and his hair was splotched with gray, but his eyes were clear and penetrating. --Description of Mr. Morrison, page 34.
Now, it’s your turn. 1. Your group will be given a pictures of a 1920s or 30s personage. 2. You must work together to come up with a description of that person. 3. Provide physical description and use figurative language. 4. Remember to use details!
Sample His face, glowering out from under an oversized derby, looked like it had been smashed together from several different directions. Ears, big as bat wings, projected from the sides of his face. His gaze promised their would be trouble, and his neat, carefully folded overcoat proved that he would handle it with what he thought was style.
Homework Create your own character description! 1. Imagine a 1930s Personage. They could be a sharecropper, outlaw, a politician, gangster, or something else. 2. Give me a paragraph of description. 3. I want a detailed physical description. 4. And two examples of figurative language (metaphors, similes, hyperbole, etc.) 5. Draw a quick portrait of your character.