Grain Recipe Analysis Find rice recipe and cut it out 1. Make a hypothesis about this recipe (3 sentences) 2. Create two variables: you will change the recipe by ingredient AND cooking method. **Each step should have 3 sentences. (Total 9 sentences) Staple the recipe to your analysis
Example My HYPOSTHESIS is that I would really enjoy the “slow-cooker chicken tikka masala” recipe. I would like it because I love the warm spices of Indian food. Also, with my busy schedule, it would be an easy set it and forget it meal since it’s in the slow-cooker.
Example If I were to re-write this recipe according to my taste, the VARIABLE I would change in the ingredients would be the 1/2c heavy cream; I would substitute Greek yogurt as a healthier and tastier option. Additionally, I would change the grain cooking method from the slow- cooker to the pasta cooking method for rice. This would allow me make this last minute rather than waiting 4 hours for the slow-cooker. The pasta cooking method uses already boiling water, and placing 1c of rice and boiling for ~12minutes. Then drain it into a colander similarly to when boiling pasta. This is quick and no scorched pan!!
Example I would MEASURE the success of my recipe based on the texture of my rice (it should be tender and fluffy), the appearance of the finished product, and the overall taste with the substitution of Greek yogurt. I will allow my dinner guests to rate the recipe based on those 3 components. Their opinions will impact whether this recipe was a success.