Accede (v.) to yield to; to assume an office or dignity S: consent, concur, comply, assent A: demur, balk, at
Brandish (v.) to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion S: swing, shake
comprise (v.) to include or contain; to be made up of S: compose, constitute, encompass A: exclude
deft (adj.) skillful, nimble S: dexterous, adroit, proficient, clever, masterful A: clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept
destitute (adj.) deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in S: wanting, devoid, impoverished, penniless A: rich, wealthy, luxurious, bountiful, full, replete
explicit (adj.) definite, clearly stated S: distinct, forthright, unambiguous, clear A: vague, ambiguous, implied, implicit
extirpate (v.) to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally S: uproot, eradicate, wipe out, excise A: implant, sow, foster, nourish
inopportune (adj.) coming at a bad time; not appropriate S: ill-timed, inconvenient, inappropriate, unsuitable A: timely, convenient, felicitous, opportune
ironic (adj.) suggesting an incongruity between what might be excepted and what actually happens; given to irony, sarcastic S: incongruous, satiric, sardonic, wry A: straightforward, unequivocal
musty (adj.) stale, moldy; out of date S: hackneyed, antiquated A: fresh, sweet- smelling, up-to-date, brand-new
officious (adj.) meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority S: meddlesome, irksome, prying, impertinent, obtrusive A: reserved, diffident, timid, aloof
ominous (adj.) unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen S: unpropitious, inauspicious, portentous A: propitious, auspicious, promising
pinnacle (n.) high peak or point S: apex, acme, summit, apogee A: nadir, low point
premeditated (adj.,part.) considered beforehand, deliberately planned S: preplanned, rehearsed, calculated, prearranged A: unplanned, spontaneous, impromtu
rampant (adj.) growing without check, running wild S: widespread, unrestrained, extravagant, prevalent A: controlled, restrained KUDZU
solace (n.) comfort, relief; (v.) to comfort, console S: (v.) soothe, reassure, cheer up A: (v.) vex, aggravate, upset
stately (adj.) dignified, majestic S: grand, magnificent, imposing A: lowly, humble, servile, abject
supple (adj.) bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable; servile S: flexible, limber, pliable, pliant A: stiff, rigid, unbending, hidebound
suppress (v.) stop by force, put down S: subdue, crush, stifle, squelch, quash, silence A: provoke, spur, arouse, incite, instigate
venal (adj.) open to or marked by bribery or corruption S: dishonest, bribable, corruptible, mercenary A: honest, incorruptible, scrupulous