What I plan to do and what I expect from the students Interview What I plan to do and what I expect from the students
English Through Literature Unit 1: “Ne’er So Well Expressed” brucemichael@beiwaionline.com
Course Preview What English Through Literature is All About The role of the Tutor and Student What can a student expect to achieve? Email and this course. Course Motto!
If You Fail To Prepare! Prepare To Fail! brucemichael@beiwaionline.com
Some References John Lye (1996) The Problem of Meaning in Literature. [www.brocku.ca/english/jlye/meaning.html] Lindsay K. (2003) Bookworm. [www.teenink.com/Past/2003/January/CollegeEssays/Bookworm.html] Genre Theory is the invention of literary critics, and adds little to the experience and pleasure of (reading) [www.essaybank.co.uk/free_coursework/2412.html]