Introduction A strategy for responding to a wide variety of learning experiences such as a reading, demonstration, video, field trip, or essential question from a unit of study. A collage combining visual and textual elements that represent the student’s processing and thoughtful response to the learning experience.
Introduction On a single piece of paper, students design an original graphic interpretation of the learning experience, which includes a personal response to the experience as a whole. The response can be a summary, answer to an essential question, or an interpretation. Additionally, the one-pager must include quotes relating to the topic, higher-level questions to provoke further thoughts, essential vocabulary, and a symbolic border that encompasses all components.
Timeline 60 Minutes
Objectives: The students will…. Create a visual and textual interpretation of the learning experience. Respond and make creative connections to the learning experience.
WICOR Strategies Writing: Write questions, summaries, and personal responses. Inquiry: Analyze a text and write questions according to Costa’s Levels of Thinking. Collaboration: Work in groups to create interpretations of a learning experience; perform a gallery walk of the student products. Organization: Plan and organize using an Interactive Notebook. Reading: Read and analyze a content-area text or article
Materials Reading Passage White paper, colored pencils, markers, highlighters (optional: computer graphics)
Differentiation Strategies The one-pager naturally provides all the essential components needed for differentiation. Although students will follow the same instructions, the individual response and creativeness will be evident in the final product. The one-pager can also be used to respond to a variety of learning experiences, such as a discrepant event, teacher demo, video clip, guest speaker, or as an answer to an essential question posed during a unit of study.