Fourth Grade Fireballs Fulton Elementary School 2016-2017 4th Grade Curriculum Night!
Reading 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction daily To 90 minutes of uninterrupted reading instruction daily HMH Journeys Reading Series Weekly comprehension, vocabulary and skills assessments Literature Studies Reading Comprehension and Strategies Reading 20 minutes per night is recommended
Language Arts Opinion Writing Expository Writing (Research) Expressive Narrative Writing Literary Response Differentiated Spelling Lists on (taught in Homeroom) Grammar Skills (taught in ELA Block)
Math New Math Program/Text: HMH Go Math! Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations - Fractions Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data Geometry Mathematical Practices Reflex Math: Required homework 3xweek
Science The Scientific Inquiry Process/Inquiry Tools Living Things: Adaptations Causes and Effects of Changes to the Environment Energy and Magnetism Science Fair: District Reqirement STEM Project Based Learning Projects
Social Studies Study of Arizona Map Skills Geography History Government Native Americans Attractions
Homework Homework will be passed out Monday through Thursday in Math & ELA Block Classes. Students are recommended to read 20 minutes per night. Per CUSD policy, homework should take your child about 40 minutes Reflex Math: 3 times per week! Goal is GREEN!
Differentiated Instruction To To maximize student success and to ensure that gaps in learning do not occur, instruction is differentiated for each child. Students are continually assessed to ensure proper placement. Students who demonstrate an advanced level of concept mastery in mathematics and/or English Language Arts may be moved to an accelerated course during their scheduled subject time. We will be offering two advanced reading sections as well as two advanced math sections. A child that is placed in an accelerated course one year, does not mean he/she will be placed in an accelerated course the following year.
Grading 2 weekly grades in core subject areas will be given. Graded work will come home each week Progress reports and report cards will be available through the parent portal on Infinite Campus If your child is not progressing as expected, you will be contacted.
Tax Credit Donations $400 for married couples $200 for individual tax payers Tax credit donations will be paid through the Infinite Campus portal. More information is found on the Fulton website. Donations can be applied to Fulton Elementary School, 4th grade field trips Donations appreciated as soon as possible. Field Trips: Arizona Capitol Museum; Music Instrument Museum; Basha Art Gallery Walking Field Trip
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