Capacity Building Support to Asia-Pacific and UN-SDGs


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Presentation transcript:

Capacity Building Support to Asia-Pacific and UN-SDGs Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Capacity Building Support to Asia-Pacific and UN-SDGs CSSTEAP CEOS WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting Agenda Item # 23 Working Group on Capacity Building & Data Democracy Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Indian Space Research Organisation Dehradun, India March 06th – 08th, 2019

Contents Part 1: CSSTEAP CB Activities Part 2: CB: 37 Coordinated CB – Framework Part 3: CB: 37 CCB Webinar on SDGs

CSSTEAP completed 23 years. WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 Formation of UN RCs Resolution 45/72 -UN GA 1990: “... the UN should lead to establish regional centres for SSTE in existing national / regional educational institutions in the developing countries”. In 1994, a UN team conducted an evaluation mission of six countries in Asia-Pacific region. UN-OOSA notified India as the host country to establish Centre for Space Science & Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP). INDIA NIGERIA BRAZIL MEXICO JORDAN CHINA 1995 2003 1998 2012 2014 First centre established CSSTEAP completed 23 years. Outcome: 2040 participants from 36 AP Countries Participants: Mid-career Professionals in Govt., Pvt. S., Academics

Uniqueness Training at CSSTEAP Nodal Centres IIRS SAC WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 Uniqueness Training at CSSTEAP Nodal Centres 50 years of experience in CB in RS & GIS Centre of Excellence to conduct MEA courses, Ministries training Joint Education Program with ITC on Global M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) course Primary ISRO Centre for conceptualizing, planning & building EO Sensors, Commun. & Navigation Systems State of art Infrastructure for hardware innovation Strong Applications Scientists to data exploitation Design & Development, integration & testing of all satellites Total Spacecraft project management and in-orbit spacecraft operations for earth & planetary missions State of art infrastructure for satellite building Known as ‘Cradle’ of Indian Space Sciences Pioneering research in Space & Atmospheric Sciences, Astronomy, Astro- & Solar Physics, Planetary & Geosciences Established Solar observatory, Optical Astronomy Lab IIRS SAC CSSTEAP Educators ‘sharing’ their experience & working knowledge in this SSTE Program - “free & fair” URSC PRL

Achievements & Good Practices WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 Achievements & Good Practices Women Participation (Overall) (Long-term) Participation Profile (Short-term) Good Practices CBE with sharing global expertise Greater percentage on Hands-on Specialized short courses for skills devt. programs – including Off-shore training Advanced research with field experiments as part of higher education Exposure to State-of-art knowledge thro’ Symposia & W/S “Alumni” feedback – post training to learn effectiveness of training undertaken – and future course recommendations Encouraging women participation Webinar courses for specialized topics Digital Knowledge Repository for record and archival of teaching material Handling multi-cultural/multi-ethnic learning through survey analysis Lectures Practical/pilot projects/demo Field Work Self study/ seminars/ Exams 75% - Hands-on training URL:

CB-37: Coordinated CB for SDGs WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CB-37: Coordinated CB for SDGs Develop a white paper that discusses approaches to Identify of support from Space agencies with presence in developing regions, and International organizations (e.g. UNOOSA, UNESCAP, GEO, CGMS, WMO…) to provide hands on training to use EO data for SDG reporting and to engage in other CEOS WGCapD activities. Deliverable lead: Senthil Kumar, CSSTEAP Co-leads: Sergio Camacho, CRECTEALC, Nancy Searby, NASA, Hilcea Ferreira, INPE Status: a draft version is under review.

Region Specific CD & CB Coordination WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: A Framework harmonizing planning executing modes Global Organisations UNOOSA, UNESCAP, CEOS, GEO, CGMS, WMO, … In-person & blended in-shore: LT&ST off-shore, caravan, … Webinars MOOC Tutorials/ Symposia Setting up TAB Region Specific CD & CB Coordination Core Technical on EO-SDGs Research & Knowledge Sharing Inter- governmental planning, regional practices Resources Sharing, Management UN RCs Regional Partners Regional Partners: e.g. AOGEOSS, APRSAF, ASEAN, APSCO, Space agencies. INGOs … Recognized CB Institutions. Professional Societies: National, Regional, International 

CCB: Anticipated Benefits WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: Anticipated Benefits Reducing duplication of efforts Energizing collective action between regional member countries, regional and Intl. institutions/organisations to implement SDGs Assessing existing capacities in regions – experts, tools, data, ICT Assessing finance resources – training, expert advice, infrastructure Engaging youth thro’ societies to stimulate research Encouraging exchange of experts, professionals on region-specific case studies to support knowledge sharing Connecting intergovernmental mechanisms with global technical organisations, Collecting, sharing and promoting good practices and experience on space policies and legislation in regional cooperation, …

WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: Webinar on SDG#6 Curriculum Development for SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation Core Technical Research & Knowledge sharing & reg. practices Water Quality (Targets. 6.1, 6.3) Develop capacity for technical support on mapping water quality Research techniques on the applications of geospatial information for water recycling. Exchange information and good practices to provide technical recommendations on methodologies for mapping water quality. Water Resources Management (Targets. 6.5, 6.6) Develop capacity for mapping and monitoring water resources, Provide technical support on integrating space applications with meteorological and ground based method to ensure sustainable water resources Provide support for combining space applications with other reliable data sources for sustainable water use planning at appropriate levels . Research methods to better understand how space and geo-informatics applications can support estimation on water resources Share knowledge for identifying hotspots for water demand in urban, rural, industrial and agricultural systems Identifying areas for water harvesting structures and watershed ecosystem restoration. Contribution to national efforts in the use of EO applications for the developments of river basin WR plans and regional cooperation. Support mechanism for inter- governmental discussions and facilitate to safe and affordable drinking water target by 2030, through space based solutions and tools. Working with existing mechanisms & international/regional organisations, to provide satellite data and information to support sustainable water use.

CCB: Webinar on SDG#11 CD for SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: Webinar on SDG#11 CD for SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities Core Technical Research & Knowledge sharing & reg. practices Natural & Cultural Heritage (Target: 11.4) Develop capacity for identifying & mapping cultural and natural heritage sites, including 3D modeling, TLS for visualization and detection of damages. Research techniques on the use of satellite, drones data to protect & safeguard the natural & cultural heritage. Working with existing national, inter- governmental, international orgns. to provide satellite data and support the implementation of sustainable NCH. Waste Management (Target: 11.6) Techniques on the use of EO data for site selection, landfill monitoring an WM (solid, liquid, gas) Research methods on integration of EO data with other sources for WM, incl. collection & transportation Existing mechanism with different organizations to support WM policies and good practices Urban Planning (Target: 11.b) 1) Develop capacity for mapping, modeling of urban, peri-urban areas and settlements, 2) use EO for urban pollution, urban heat island effects, WQ 3)Methods facilities to support UP, 4) use of EO and other methods to monitor unplanned urban development over time.. Use of state-of-art methods for using space applications and frontier technologies to monitor urban unplanned development over time. 1) Methods of promoting discussions and sharing of information on the use of space applications for monitoring air quality. 2) Share experiences and good practices on the use of space applications for urban planning, decision making tools for policy makers and local govts.

CCB: Webinar on SDG#2 Curriculum Development for SDG 2: Zero Hunger WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: Webinar on SDG#2 Curriculum Development for SDG 2: Zero Hunger Core Technical Research & Knowledge sharing & reg. practices Food Production (FP) 1) Develop FP capacity for seasonal forecasting and its impact, 2) techniques for RT monitoring of weather from EO meteorological data, 3) map infra-structure related to food storage, warehousing etc. and socio- economic information to ascertain demand and distribution 1) Statistical, modeling approaches for crop productivity, pest, insect outbreaks using agromet. info from EO data, 2) Map land, soil quality & productivity for appropriate crops, 3) Demand mapping for FP / processing against population density to learn food security needs in vulnerable areas Supporting seasonal forecasting and share good practices in international forums like GEOGLAM, APRSAF.. Sharing knowledge on package of practices with respect to site specific capability Precision Agriculture (PA) Basics of PA using UAVs, vehicle mounted and EO for monitoring agricultural conditions Appln & integration of UAVs, GNSS, RS and new technologies for PA Promoting the integration of EO based solution with other digital innovations to support PA. Agroecosystem resilience (AR) 1) EO data for multi-hazard EW and damage assessment (flood, drought), 2) Decision Support tools for drought monitoring, EWS 1) Share knowledge on developing soil nutrients map for ES management, 2) Mainstream climate info for ES resilience (livestock, agri., fisheries,..) 1) How sharing findings from drought MS contribute regional policies. 2) Enhancing cooperation in EWS and alert networking for DRR

CCB: Webinars on SDGs Proposed Action Plan WGCapD-8 Annual Meeting, IIRS, Dehradun, India, March 06th – 08th, 2019 CCB: Webinars on SDGs Proposed Action Plan Time: May – June 2019 . No of days, depending on the availability of speakers Targeted participants: Working professionals in Govt., Pvt., Academia Best practices: Lectures with Hands-on, success stories Evidence of CB built: Queries, survey method Implementing partners: Subject experts, leads from global organisations Potential areas of collaboration: Sharing resources (manpower, tools, satellite data) for overall meeting training objectives.

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