Importing & Altering Images 2 Techniques with Different Advantages & Disadvantages Video Demo:
Import an Image/Photo File menu Import
Select File to Import Navigate to image Select and Press Open Do any major resizing before this step or image will bog down your Movie!
Now you have 2 options Break Apart Trace Bitmap
Break Apart Modify Menu Break Apart Now image “belongs” to Flash Possible to use eraser tool Retains properties of original picture
Part Erased
Trace Bitmap Modify Menu Bitmap Trace Bitmap
Trace Bitmap Options Smaller number Closer to original picture b/c no colors get combined in the trace Upper options more original detail
Traced Bitmap More like art Individual colors become selectable
Once cleaned up, Select All, Convert to Graphic Select image Right-click Choose Convert to Symbol
Convert to Symbol Make a Graphic Give it an Appropriate name Now it is in the library You can drag instances of it onto the stage
Instances from the Library