Mrs. Padelford’s Penguins


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Padelford’s Penguins @Las Brisas! ~ 623-445-5544 Due: 10/26 October 2018 Upcoming Dates MONTHLY (no more weekly) HOMEWORK! October 1 - October 4 BOOK FAIR in the Media Center TIMES: 10/1 – 10/3: 10:45AM – 3:15AM 10/4: 10:45AM – 1:00PM FAMILY NIGHT: Wednesday October 3 10:45AM – 7:00PM Friday October 5th – Monday October 8th No School – Fall Break Wednesday October 10th Picture Retakes Friday October 12th End of 1st Quarter Patriotic Ceremony 8:00AM Early Release at 11:20AM Monday October 15th – Friday October 19th Parent – Teacher Conferences Thursday October 18th & Friday October 19th Early Release Days at 11:20AM Thursday October 25th Boo BINGO Tuesday October 30th Choir Concert Wednesday October 31st Fall Class Parties 2:00PM Beginning this month, we will be switching to a monthly homework packet. There will be a schedule to follow for each week and items attached for you to work on with your child. Please hold onto the packet for the entire month and return just the necessary pages on the last Friday of the month (see due date above). R.E.D. Reading Folders will continue to come home, so please allow time to read those books with your child. Sight Word Fluency Phrases & Sentences: In order to help build sight word fluency, please practice the attached phrases and sentences using words 1-50 from our First Grade Sight Word List. Nonsense Words: We have been learning that these are called “closed syllable words.” These words have just one vowel, followed by a consonant that closes the vowel, making it a short vowel sound. Our goal is to read the words without sounding them out, but do encourage your child to practice sounding them out, if still needed. By the end of first grade, your child needs to be able to read 30 nonsense words in 1 minute, which will take a lot of practice! Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday MONDAY MATH: DreamBox Lesson Homework should take no more than 20 minutes per night. TUESDAY TIMED READ: Nonsense Words Sight Word Phrases & Sentences WEDNESDAY WORD WORK: Practice the phonics skill (word sort or story) in your R.E.D. Folder today. THURSDAY RazKids: Choose 1 story to read and 1 story to listen to. Complete the quizzes at the end. FRIDAY FAMILY FUN: Enjoy your FAMILY!  OPTIONAL: Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Directions will come home soon! 