Dr. Unnikrishnan P.C. Professor, EEE EE305 Power Electronics Dr. Unnikrishnan P.C. Professor, EEE
Switched Mode Regulators Modern electronic devices use digital electronic circuits and integrated circuits, both needs regulated DC power supplies. SMPS is widely used as it reduces the size and weight A filter (LC) at the output reduces ripples in the chopper PWM is generally employed to control the switching operation of the chopper
DC Regulator topologies (a) DC regulators without isolation 1. Buck Regulator 2. Boost Regulator 3. Buck-Boost Regulator 4. Cuk Regulator (b) DC regulators with isolation 1. Flyback Regulator 2. Forward Regulator 3. Push-Pull Regulator 4. Half Bridge Regulator 5. Full Bridge Regulator
Buck Regulator
Buck Regulator-Analysis
Buck Regulator-Analysis…..
Buck Regulator-Analysis…..
Buck Regulator-Analysis…..