Brief overview of EU legislative procedure Per Bredholt Christensen European Commission - Eurostat Unit A5 “Legal and institutional affairs” Luxembourg October 2013 Task Force "EPSAS Governance"
Main actors in EU legislative procedure Union legislator = the European Parliament and the Council ("co-legislators") They act on the basis of a proposal by the Commission = right of initiative Eurostat is a Directorate General within the Commission Right of initiative Power of execution Luxembourg October 2013
Lisbon Treaty (1st December 2009) Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Legislative acts ► basic acts (EP/Council) Non-legislative acts ► Commissions acts Delegated acts: To supplement or amend the basic act (non-essential elements) - Actors: Commission + group of experts (EP and Cnc right of objection) Implementing acts: How to operationalize the basic act/ harmonize its implementation - Actors: Commission + Committee (EPSASC)
Institutional workflow Derived legal acts Basic act Commission level Task force/ working groups Interservice consultation in Com. Adoption of proposal EP and Council level EP 1st reading Cnc 1st reading Trilogues (EP, Cnc & Com) Adoption After adoption of basic act Implemen-ting acts (EPSASC & Com) Delegated acts (nat experts & Com)
Luxembourg October 2013