Ysgol Llangatwg Llangattock Church in Wales Primary School
Calculation Progression A REMINDER!
WHAT IS IT? The National Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) is a new statutory curriculum introduced in September 2013 for all learners aged 5 to 14. The main purpose of the LNF has been to help the children of Wales to develop excellent literacy and numeracy skills during their time at school. Schools will be expected to report annually on individual pupils progress, strengths and areas needing more support in literacy and numeracy to parents/carers as part of the annual report. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR THE CHILDREN? The main purpose of the LNF is to make sure that the teaching of numeracy and literacy is embedded in all subjects across the curriculum, rather than just within specific lessons and that children are able to apply their knowledge. HOW CAN YOU HELP? It is important that children have opportunities to use numeracy and literacy in real life situations-not just to solve calculations. Money, measures, estimating, cooking, shopping, etc…..
Numeracy levels from YR to Y6 The LNF is organised into different areas of maths: using number skills using measuring skills using data handling skills. Within each area the skills for each year group are identified. The following slides show some examples of the expectations in each year group. If children are able to use the skills for their year group across the curriculum, then they move onto the following years skill.
READ & WRITE NUMBERS RN2 read and write numbers to at least 10 1N2 read and write numbers to at least 20 2N2 read and write numbers to 100 3N2 read and write numbers to N2 read and write numbers to N2 read and write numbers to N2 read and write numbers to 1 million and numbers to 3 decimal places 7N2 read and write numbers of any size and use the four operations and the connections between them, e.g. apply division as the inverse of multiplication
MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION 2N5 recall and use 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables 3N5 recall 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 multiplication tables and use to solve multiplication and division problems 4N5 use mental strategies to recall multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 and use to solve division problems 5N5 use mental strategies to recall multiplication tables for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 and use to solve division problems 6N5 use mental strategies to recall multiplication tables up to 10 x 10 and use to solve division problems 7N5 use appropriate strategies for multiplication and division, including application of known facts
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION RN12 combine two groups of objects to find how many altogether? RN12a take away objects to find how many are left? 1N12 add and subtract numbers involving up to 10 objects 1N12a use counting on strategies to add 2 collections, starting with the larger number, e.g N12 find small differences within 20 by using counting on strategies 2N12a use mental recall of number facts to 10 and place value to add or subtract larger numbers, e.g , , N12 find differences within 100 3N12a use mental strategies to add and subtract 2-digit numbers 4N12 find differences within N12a add a 2-digit number to, and subtract a 2-digit number from, a 3-digit number using an appropriate mental or written method 5N12 find differences between numbers with 1 decimal place 5N12a add and subtract 3-digit numbers using an appropriate mental or written method 6N12 add and subtract numbers using whole numbers and decimals 7N12 use efficient written methods to add and subtract numbers with up to 2 decimal places
CALCULATE USING MONEY RN17 use 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins to pay for items 1N17 use different combinations of money to pay for items up to 20p 1N17a find totals and give change from 10p 2N17 use different combinations of money to pay for items up to £1 2N17a find totals and give change from multiples of 10p 3N17 use different combinations of money to pay for items up to £2 and calculate the change 3N17a order and compare items up to £10 4N17 use money to pay for items up to £10 and calculate the change 4N17a order and compare items up to £100 4N17b add and subtract totals less than £10 using correct notation, e.g. £6.85 – £2.76 5N17 order and compare the cost of items up to £ N17a add and subtract totals less than £100 using correct notation, e.g. £ £33.45
TELLING THE TIME 1M5 use standard units of time to read oclock using both analogue and 12-hour digital clocks 2M5 read half past, quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock 2M5a read hours and minutes on a 12-hour digital clock 3M5 tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock and calculate how long it is to the next hour 3M5a read hours and minutes on a 12-hour digital clock using am/pm conventions 4M5 tell the time to the nearest minute on analogue clocks 4M5a read hours and minutes on a 24-hour digital clock 4M5b time and order events in seconds 5M5 read and use analogue and digital clocks 5M5a time events in minutes and seconds, and order the results 5M5b carry out practical activities involving timed events and explain which unit of time is the most appropriate 6M5 time events in minutes and seconds to the nearest tenth of a second 7M5 measure and record time in hundredths of a second
PRESENT AND ANALYSE DATA 3D3extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams and graphs. 4D3extract and interpret information from charts, timetables, diagrams and graphs. 5D3 extract and interpret information from an increasing range of diagrams, timetables and graphs (including pie charts) 5D3ause mean, median, mode and range to describe a data set. 6D3 extract and interpret information from an increasing range of diagrams, timetables and graphs (including pie charts) 6D3ause mean, median, mode and range to describe a data set. 7D3 interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts) 7D3a use mean, median, mode and range to compare two distributions (discrete data).
Tests in reading and numeracy became statutory in May 2013 for children in Y2-Y6. This year Numerical Reasoning Tests are being introduced for the first time. There is a very small window in which these tests can be administered. ALL children are required to sit the tests and schools must report the results to Welsh Government and parents.
We have organised our school timetable as follows: WEDNESDAY 7th MAY Y2, 5 and 6 Reading Y3 and 4 Numeracy THURSDAY 8th MAY Y2, 5 and 6 Numeracy Y3 and 4 Reading FRIDAY 9th MAY Y2, 5 and 6 Numerical Reasoning MONDAY 12th MAY Y3 and 4 Numerical Reasoning
Children need opportunities to apply their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts to real life problems. There are many opportunities to do this in and around their home. *Using food packages. If the packet holds 500g how many 50 g servings would you get? *You need a new carpet for the bedroom. If the carpet costs £27 per sq metre, how much would the carpet cost altogether? *Using TV guides/timetables etc *Pocket money. You have £2.50 pocket money each week. How long will it take to save for a …… which costs £18.00? *Planning a day out or holiday-Use information to find out how much it will cost altogether. Which is the cheapest/most expensive?
Homework Books These books are challenging and reinforce ongoing mathematical concepts, giving children the opportunity to practise appropriate skills. Where possible it is important for children to have some adult support when completing their homework as this enables them to talk about their work and explain their thinking. There will be some things your child finds difficult, which you may feel unable to help them with. Please make a note of this in the book, for teachers to clarify with the pupils.
Maths badges are a great way to challenge and motivate children to learn and use their tables and related facts. Without a good recall of table facts children find other areas of maths difficult eg percentages/fractions etc. BADGES ARE NOT EVERYTHING!! YELLOW- 2, 5 and 10 BLUE-3, 6 and 9 RED-4 and 8 GREEN- 7 and REVISION CHALLENGE 1-50 mixed multiplication and division questions using all tables CHALLENGE 2-30 mixed questions using brackets eg (2x7) -8= and division with remainders CHALLENGE 3-Finding fractions of numbers 2/3 of 30, addition and subtraction of squared numbers, multiplying by 40, 200 etc. CHALLENGE 4-Addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers eg 23+44= CHALLENGE 5-Equivalent fractions, cubed numbers, percentages, square roots, CHALLENGE 6-Measures eg How many mm in 6cm, 4.2cm ?
Learning Wales website Llangattock website