CH3Br; old data agust,www,...ch3br/PPT aak.ppt


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CH3Br; old data agust,www,...ch3br/PPT-180809aak.ppt agust,heima,...CH3Br/CH3Br19500_19690vhwak.pxp

Br+ Mw 19500 hn(Laser) 19550

Br +

Br + Mw 19648 hv(Laser) 19670

Br +

Br + Mw 19670 hv(Laser) 19690

Br +

Br+ signal is observed at 19519.92 cm-1 (hn(Laser)) => Br I   253 Levels Found Data on Lande factors and level compositions are not available for this ion  Configuration   Term   J   Level   (cm-1)    4s24p5   2P°   3/2    0        1/2    3 685.24    4s24p4(3P2)5s   4P   5/2    63 436.45      64 907.19    4s24p4(3P1)5s    66 883.87     2P    67 183.58    4s24p4(3P0)5s    68 970.21    4s24p4(3P2)5p   4P°    74 672.32      75 009.13      75 814.00     4D°   7/2    75 521.50      75 697.05      76 743.08    4s24p4(1D)5s   2D    75 890.33      75 908.53    4s24p4(3P1)5p   2S°    78 076.00     2D°    78 511.60      78 676.65    Br+ signal is observed at 19519.92 cm-1 (hn(Laser)) => 78079.69 cm-1 = 2hn 4s24p5(2Po) ->-> 4s24p4(3P1)5p(2So) J´´ = 3/2 ->-> J´ = 1/2 i.e. Dl=0 (p ->->p) DL = -1; DS =0, DJ = -1

Br + signal is observed at 19670 cm-1 (hn(Laser) =>  Configuration   Term   J   Level   (cm-1)    4s24p5   2P°   3/2    0        1/2    3 685.24    4s24p4(3P2)5s   4P   5/2    63 436.45      64 907.19    4s24p4(3P1)5s    66 883.87     2P    67 183.58    4s24p4(3P0)5s    68 970.21    4s24p4(3P2)5p   4P°    74 672.32      75 009.13      75 814.00     4D°   7/2    75 521.50      75 697.05      76 743.08    4s24p4(1D)5s   2D    75 890.33      75 908.53    4s24p4(3P1)5p   2S°    78 076.00     2D°    78 511.60      78 676.65    Br + signal is observed at 19670 cm-1 (hn(Laser) => 78680 cm-1 = 2hn 4s24p5(2Po) ->-> 4s24p4(3P1)5p(2Do) J´´ = 3/2 ->-> J´= 3/2 i.e. Dl = 0 (p ->->p) DL = +1; DS = 0, DJ = 0

x103 cm-1 CH3 + Br+ + e- 120137.8 120 102663.8 100 CH3 + Br*(2S1/2) 80 o CH3 + Br*(2S1/2) 80 CH3Br* 78076 Abs. due to transition to the repulsive state 60 39038 40 o CH3 + Br (2P3/2) 78076/2 = 39038 20 CH3Br