Mussolini: Forming a Totalitarian State Loki QAQ
Opposition Banned The OVRA was set up to harass political opponents. Attempted murder of Mussolini by Zamboni on 31 October 1926 All political parties and organizations opposed to the Fascism were banned. The OVRA was set up to harass political opponents.
OVRA Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism“ Persecution of opponents Spying on the Pope Political opponents were imprisoned. Some were beaten to death. Some were forced to leave the country. Many died in gaol, like the Communist leader, Gramsci.
Press “Pressed” Some presses were burnt down, like the Socialist Avanti. Others were told to change their editors and were told by Mussolini what to write. Media control
Mussolini and His “Battles” Battle For Wheat/Grain Autarky: a self-sufficient economic structure that depends little on imports First put into practice in 1925 High tariffs were placed on imported bread in a similar way to the Corn Laws in Britain during the 19th century. 10 years after 1925 wheat imports were reduced by 75% - but only at the expense of other profitable crops that could have earned money in export sales. Hope: Italians would need to produce more of their own bread instead of relying on cheap imports. Problem: Land which had not been used for years and was infertile was now utilized. It was very expensive to farm. Summarize: made Italy’s economic more independent and self-sufficient, but did not bring more benefits.
Mussolini and His “Battles” Battle for Births Objective: increase the population from 40 million to 60 million by 1950, WHY? Began in 1927 Measures: lower taxes and more job opportunities for productive civilians; bachelors and those less productive had higher taxes. Women fired from jobs. Propaganda: Mussolini argued that the Italian people had a duty to himself to produce as many children as possible. FAILED: Birth rate dropped To establish an empire, population is needed for production and war Measures: 1.Loans were offered to married couples, with part of the loan cancelled for each new child. 2. Any married man who had more than six children was made exempt from taxation. 3. citizens who were proved to be less productive were penalized. Bachelors were taxed increasingly. 4. The civil service began recruiting and promoting only those who were fertile and married. 5. Some state-owned business fired women employees
Mussolini and His “Battles” Battle for Lira Objective: restore some of its purchasing power—Strong currency means strong nation fixed the lira at a rate of 90 to the pound(£) instead of 150 Made exports costly while making imports of raw materials cheaper Benefited heavy industries (imports of raw materials) Wages of workers were cut to match the new value of lira
Mussolini and His “Battles” WHY BATTLES?
Mussolini’s propaganda photo for the Battle of Grain
Corporations Mussolini abolished trade unions and replaced them with “Corporations”: organizations set up in each industry, representing both workers and employers. They were run by Fascists whose job was to settle disputes between workers and their bosses Protected interests of the bosses Unemployment rose sharply
Benefits More self-sufficient economy Cheaper raw materials boosted heavy industry Etc.
Problems Exports costly Demand abroad↓ Unemployment↑ High taxes, expensive imported goods living standards↓ Etc.
Lateran Treaty In 1929 , Mussolini reached an agreement with Pope Pius XI. Settled the long-term problems between the Pope and the Italian State The Pope agreed to recognize the Kingdom of Italy and gave up his claim to the lost territories in and around Rome. Mussolini recognized Catholicism as ltaly's official religion. The Vatican City became an independent state in Rome with the Pope as its ruler. Catholics in Italy and throughout the world were delighted. Mussolini's popularity increased sharply. 1870, Italian forces seized Rome from the Pope at that time and made it into the capital of Italy. Since then successive Popes had forbidden Italian Catholics to play any part in ltaly's politics. The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Fascists became awkward again when the Fascist Youth organization, the Ballila’s popularity was threatened by the Catholic youth groups. In 1938, Mussolini introduced the anti-Jewish laws as a sign of Italy's closer relationship with Nazi Germany. Pius XI firmly condemned these new laws.
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