Review SI Units Time: Mass: Distance: Temperature: Charge: Time: s (seconds) Mass: kg (kilograms) Distance: m (meters) Temperature: K (Kelvin) Charge: C (Coulomb) = A * s = 6.241 * 1018 atomic units
Important Secondary Quantities Force: Energy (work): Power: Force (N): Newton (must be capital); 1N = 1kg m/s2 Work (N.m): Joule; (Joule must be capital) 1J = 1kg m2/s2 kinetic energy ½ m v2 All Energies (J) Power (J/s): Watt; Used the example of two students consuming identical hamburgers with the same amount of energy, with one student consuming the hamburger in 5 minutes and the second student consuming the hamburger in 30 minutes. Other examples included running to burn energy over different time interval, and consuming electrical energy over different time intervals. Thus we defined the combination of J/s as W (Watt).
Questions: What is a kilowatt-hour? Where is it used? 1kw-hr = 1000 W/kW *3600 s/hr = 1000*3600 W-s *1J/s /W = 3.6M J
In-Class Activity #1 A study of households and businesses in the Boston, Massachusetts area found that air conditioning units were used for an average of 4600 hours per year. Determine the total annual cost of electricity required to operate a 10,000 Btu/hr air conditioning unit in the Boston area if the electric rate is $ 0.071/kWhr. 10,000 BTU/hr = 1x10^4BTU/hr*2.93x10-4kW/(BTU/hr) = 2.93kW 2.93kW * 4600 hrs/yr = 13,478 kWhrs/yr 13,478 kWhrs/yr*$0.071/kWhr = $956.94/yr Pout/Pin = eff; ideally eff = 1 but in reality it’s always less than 1. Allow about 10 minutes for this activity Input power = .25/.8 =.312 hp .312 hp * 745.7 W/hp = 233.03 W Total energy = power * time E = 233.03 W * 4 hrs/wk * 52 wk/yr * 1 yr = 48,470.5 Whr or 48.47 kWhr 48.47 kWhr * 2.665x106 J/kWhr = 129.17 MJ 48.47 kWhr * 3415 Btu/kWhr = 165,525 Btu
Notation The units of variables will be referred to by putting the variables in brackets Consider the equation: v-vo = a·t What is the equation saying?
[v] will refer to the dimension of v [t] will refer to the dimension of t In order to determine the units of an unknown (say a), we need to be able to write equations in terms of units, e.g.
Rules of Homogeneity Definition: An equation is said to be dimensionally homogeneous if all terms separated by plus and minus and equal sign have the same dimension. Consider the previous example: In order to be homogeneous,
Rule 1 If the dimensional quantities are replaced by their primary units the equation should reduce to an identity. In our example, what are the primary units? Good place to bring up ways to write accel = m/s/s
Rule 2 Dimensions do NOT add or subtract. In order to add or subtract variables, they must have the SAME units. In our example, [v] = [vo]. If you subtract them you have no units on the left
Rule 3 Dimensions DO multiply and divide.
In-Class Activities #2, #3 If P1 = 400 W and P2 = 12 Btu/minute, what is P1+P2 in SI units? Which, if any, of the following are correct for acceleration units: a) m/s/s b) c) d) 1BTU/hr = 2.93x10-4 kW = .293 W P2 = 12 BTU/min * 60 min/hr *.293 W/(BTU/hr) = 720 * .293 W = 210.96 W P1 + P2 = 400 W + 210.96 W = 610.96 W
Exercises A relationship between Force F in (N), distance x in (m), mass M in (kg) and speed v in (m/s) is suggested as Is this equation dimensionally homogeneous? Yes
Exercises (cont) A relationship between Force F in (N), time t in (s), mass M in (kg) and speed v in (m/s) is suggested as: Ft2 = Mv Is this equation dimensionally homogeneous? No
Prefixes As you’ve already seen, we’ll deal with both very large numbers and very small numbers. We will use scientific notation and/or engineering prefixes to represent these numbers
Refresher: common prefixes T tera 1012 G giga 109 M mega 106 k kilo 103 d deci 10-1 c centi 10-2 m milli 10-3 μ micro 10-6 n nano 10-9 p pico 10-12 15
Examples in Engineering Notation 2x103 Volts = .00045 A = 1.3x10-6 C = 10x107 Hz =
Some Quantities Must Be Dimensionless In Calculus you will see eax ax must be dimensionless (no units) 1/1 Example, if x is in m, a is in 1/m If x is in s, a is in 1/s Some dimensionless quantities need units to make sense Example if v = vo e-at v and vo have units of volts
Class Activity In an electrical circuit the current i(t) in A (Amperes) changes with time t in s according to the function i(t) = e-2t. a) How could this function be dimensionally consistent knowing that the exponential function is always dimensionless (RHS), and that i(t) is in A on the LHS? b) What are the units of the constant 2 in the exponential function? Implied 1 A multiplies e-2t The unit of the constant is 1/s
More on Units Remember x = cos(θ)? What are the units of θ? Θ is in radians. Draw circle on board and demonstrate relation between radius and radians
Angular frequency What are the units of ω in y(t) = cos(ωt) if t has units s? ω is called the angular frequency ω = 2pf