Dining Advisory Meeting
Follow up items from last meeting Open Floor Discussion Topics Athletics Athletics is concerned that the exterior of the building is dirty Dining is working with SAM on a maintenance plan for the building- Update Admissions also has concerns about the building – it is starting to show its age. Students enjoy the food, but the building isn’t showing well Dining has hired a designated staff whose sole responsibility is to deep clean the dining room Group tours will have a new staff in charge of organizing them. Admissions will work with Mary to evaluate the current meal program for tours and orientations Orientation will be extended and the freshman sessions will now end at 5PM instead of 4PM. There is potential for an optional dinner after in the Dining Commons. Dining will need to discuss the promotion and logistics further with Admissions There will now be an admitted student tour once a week and a designated day for admitted students that will run in conjunction with Preview and Festival of Communities in the spring Residents The DC was out of sugar packets and coffee lids on 10/18 and 10/19 Students don’t feel that their VOC responses are being heard because they don’t see a response or an immediate change Some students submit survey feedback without any contact information and it can be difficult for us to make changes without further discussions with the concerned student
Follow up items from last meeting Residents have expressed concern regarding portion sizes with the To Go Program, they feel that sometimes they are only given partial portions Concerns about cross contamination at the deli – possibly from the same knife being used for both mustard and mayo? Students have asked for a mobile meal program in the Dining Commons - Dining on the Run Different whole fruit has been requested - Started to rotate plums and peaches Students love the Dino Nuggets and ask that we keep serving them Students also like the crinkle cut fries better than the shoestring fries, and have asked that we bring that type of fry back
Preventing Cross Contamination Pre packaged gluten free bread Use of Purple Kitchen Equipment Fryer Separation Continuous training and coaching of our team
What’s New…. Rebel Kitchen
Food Truck Friday’s
Vending Update… Vending Machines Campus wide now accepting Credit Cards and Rebel Cash!
We Go Live….
Marketing Promotions & Activities Spring Orientations New Student Orientation on 1/17 Graduate Student Orientation on 1/18 Involvement Fair on 1/30 Dine with the Dietitian Heart Health – 2/5 Next Up: Myths & Facts About Soy – 3/5 Diet Coke Sampling on 2/19 Dining Dollar Promotion Spring Wellness Fair on 2/21
Big Game Sunday!
DC Super Bowl Event
Sustainability Waste Collector installation Reusable to go bags PODS In partnership with UNLV Sustainability Team. We added a waste Collector to our Dining Commons Dish room. This allows our waste to be used as compost vs. going to the land field Waste Collector installation Reusable to go bags PODS