BEFORE YOU BEGIN Read the Word Sort Directions Pages xi –xiv of the “Implementation Directions” in the General Information Folder.
DICTIONARIES Most dictionary skills can be done with the information in the unit. Grades 4-6 will need dictionaries to find etymologies Online sources can be used but they often have many ads and other info to wade through. Recommend American Heritage dictionaries for correctness of accent marks, pronunciation key, definitions and etymologies Grades 2-4 Grades 4-6 For more etymologies (etymologies every 6-7 words)
LEARN ABOUT PERSONAL WORDS Read the Spelling Notebook Pages viii to x of the “Implementation Directions” in the General Information folder. Personal words will help with words like sure and any and other words your child misspells in daily writing.
GETTING STARTED Give the pre-test for the year. It can be found in the “General Resources Folder” for your grade level. It can be given in parts. Words are taken from the units. The score on this test can determine which level word sort to use with your child. Use misspelled words to begin a personal word list.
TEACHER PAGE Objectives for Unit Rule or pattern defined Teaching notes and suggestions Launch Pad tells games and websites available for practicing the skill.
STUDENT UNIT: DISCOVERY LEARNING The first page or pages of each unit are the instructional part. Cartoons give clues to the rule, pattern or big idea of the unit. Students notice patterns and discuss. This section has questions or words to compare. These may be discussed with the child or written out. The letter tells the grade level: A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
PRACTICE SECTIONS Work through the first few units with the child until s/he becomes familiar with the routines. Help your child if s/he has difficulty with some concepts, especially the first year of the program. Students practice the skill on the next pages. Sections can be worked through with the child, done one at a time, or assigned all at once.
REVIEW SECTION Part or all of the last page of most units is a review of previously learned skills. If the child has difficulty, especially the first year, work through these with the child. Review concepts are tested.
DICTIONARY SKILLS Some units include dictionary skills from alphabetical order to reading etymologies.
WORD SORTS Level A Level B Sorts can be introduced when students are familiar with unit routines. (See Implementation Pyramid on p. xx of “General Implementation Directions.”) Notice how skill levels vary for each word sort level. Make word sorts easier or harder by varying the number of words or sort categories. Level C:
TESTS 5 Word list is the only memorized part. Less words can be used for lower grades. Reviewed skills tested. The rest of the test is an application of what is learned in the unit. Scoring the Test: Directions given on page vii of “Implementation Directions” in the General Information Folder.
INTERESTING INFORMATION History of English See pages i to iii in “Implementation Directions” of the General Information Folder What is an etymology? The etymology of a word traces the word through time and shows the changes a word has undergone. Find the etymology at the beginning or end of a dictionary entry.
HOW TO READ AN ETYMOLOGY Etymologies can be found in the American Heritage Student Dictionary or online at,, or Webster Dictionary online.