New Teacher Orientation Success from the Start Strengthening Instruction through Professional Conduct and Classroom Management As you enter, please complete the “Professional Conduct or Not?” Survey Office of Organizational Development
Quick Connector Turn and introduce yourself to 2 people sitting near you: What is your name? What do you teach? Where do you teach? What is your teaching experience? What are you looking forward to this year? Office of Organizational Development
Back Channel Chat #NTObcps18 Housekeeping Paperless handouts Back Channel Chat #NTObcps18 Office of Organizational Development
Professional Conduct or Not? Why are these statements examples of conduct that is unprofessional? What surprised you about any of the statements? Questions? Office of Organizational Development
Insert the Kahoot code displayed on the board Directions: Go to Insert the Kahoot code displayed on the board Enter a nickname Kahoot
Office of Organizational Development
Danielson Framework 4a. Reflecting on Teaching 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records 4c: Communicating with Families 4d: Participating in a Professional Community 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally 4f: Showing Professionalism Office of Organizational Development
Objective Participants will examine various strategies to manage one’s self and one’s classroom in order to develop a plan that establishes a safe and orderly, learner-centered environment. Office of Organizational Development
Relationship Skills… What does that mean for you? 10 min to read and star ideas in the handouts Total 24 min Show 2-page handout and star areas in which you think you have done or seen a great practice to relate to students. Pay special attention to the last page of the handout to make connections between professional conduct and building powerful relationships with students.
Share Your Successes with Relationship Building!
BCPS Policy and Rule 4100 Purpose: To provide guidance to employees on BCPS’ expectations concerning employee conduct and responsibilities. Important Points to Consider: Standards: Employees will exhibit professional conduct that models responsible citizenship during work hours. Dress: All employees are expected to be neatly groomed and dressed in clothing suitable for their assignment. Advising: Employees shall refrain from discussing individual school/office and/or personnel. Office of Organizational Development
Elevator Speech Office of Organizational Development
Office of Organizational Development
1 min Total 65 min Revisit the Teaching and Learning Framework. We will now be looking at Classroom Environment. Office of Organizational Development
Danielson Framework 2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning 2c: Managing Classroom Procedures 2d: Managing Student Behavior 2e: Organizing Physical Space Office of Organizational Development
Office of Organizational Development
What’s the connection? Office of Organizational Development
Today’s Objectives Participants will examine various strategies to manage one’s self and one’s classroom in order to develop a plan that establishes a safe and orderly, learner-centered environment. Office of Organizational Development
Learning Pathways Directions: Complete the self-assessment. Based on the assessment results, choose the station that you would like to visit first. If you are unable to complete all stations, you may access all station materials at any time through the wiki. Station 1: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Station 2: Establishing a Culture for Learning Station 3: Managing Classroom Procedures Station 4: Managing Student Behavior Station 5: Organizing Physical Space Office of Organizational Development
Today’s Objectives Participants will examine various strategies to manage one’s self and one’s classroom in order to develop a plan that establishes a safe and orderly, learner-centered environment. Office of Organizational Development
Resources Baltimore County Board of Education. Policy and Rule 4100. Howard, Lynn F. Ready for Anything - Supporting New Teachers for Success. Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press, 2006. Jones, Fredric H. Positive Classroom Discipline. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. Lemov, Doug, Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques that Put Students on the Path to College. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 2010. Office of Organizational Development
Resources Orange, Carolyn. 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Mistakes. Thousand Oaks, CA: A Sage Publications, CO, 2005. Paterson, Kathy. 55 Teaching Dilemmas. Ontario, Canada: Pembroke Publishers, 2005. Rutherford, Paula, Why Didn’t I Learn This in College?. Alexandria, VA: Just Ask Publications, 2002. Staff of Canter & Associates, eds. First-Class Teacher: Success Strategies for New Teachers. Santa Monica, CA: Canter and Associates, Inc., 1998. Wong, Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Days of School. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc., 2005. Office of Organizational Development