A Compelling Case for Support Bianca Crocker
Why are you here? I’m not sure what a Case for Support is My charity doesn’t have a Case for Support We have a Case for Support, but I don’t know if it is complete Our Case for Support exists but it is not at all inspiring
Key Learning Outcomes Understand the importance of a Case for Support Learn about the different formats Discover the key components to help you develop your Case for Support Some key tips on how to make yours compelling and inspiring
What is a Case for Support? A document at the centre of your fundraising plan A messaging strategy An explanation as to why people should support you A story Paints the picture of your organisation
What is a Case for Support? Case for Support or Case Statement
Why is a Case for Support Important? The heart of your fundraising program (next to strategy) Engages with your donors (more intimately) Motivates potential supporters Helps people understand how your charity wants to make a difference Brings consistency to your story Can be the foundation for a philanthropic grants program
What is the right format? Simple one pager or a more detailed prospectus designed and presented professionally Internal case 5-10 pages Used internally to guide other documents / materials More detail throughout this presentation External case Uses various parts of internal case Used to ‘sell your story’ to prospects Brochures, annual report, website, fundraising programs
Key Components of a Case for Support Overview What drives your charity? Objectives History Governance The Problem and Your Solution Your Beneficiaries Impact Case study or testimonials Evaluation Financial Overview
Key Components Overview Brief description of charity Ensure it is clear and succinct No more than 100 words if possible Example from
A vision: A better future for young Australians in need. Key Components What drives your charity This is what usually connects people to your cause Vision Mission Values A vision: A better future for young Australians in need. A mission: To empower people with disabilities from ethnic backgrounds, their carers and families to fully participant as members of the Victorian community.
Key Components Objectives Provides future direction Details overall purpose Example from
Key Components History Governance Provides credibility Demonstrates long term vision Include any key achievements or milestones Governance Board members Senior management Very brief bio on each – Appendix
Key Components Your Solution The Problem What is the social or environmental issue (or other?) Use statistics and facts to substantiate Is it compelling? Your Solution What are you doing - programs, services, activities How do your activities address the issue Often a smaller Case for Support may be required for each service area or program
Key Components Your beneficiaries Who will benefit? Geographic detail, socio economic, genders, age groups, etc. Primary and secondary beneficiaries Example from
Key Components Impact What benefits do you anticipate Outcomes (be both specific and broad) Testimonials and Case Studies This is where you can use stories to show your impact Example from:
Key Components
Key Components Evaluation Projected budget for your cause How will you prove what you are doing is working? What measures are you going to use? Projected budget for your cause Forecast budget for your organisation or project Itemised costs Forecast income Example from:
Key Components
Bringing it all together – Key Tips Just get started! First draft = information dump Edit it second Have others edit it too Factual accuracy and missing details Plan a timeline Strict deadlines One month No more than three months One person to write Committee writing is tedious and frustrating
Bringing it all together – Key Tips Be concise and clear Detail but with clarity and brevity Don’t say in 500 words what you could have said in 300 Language Persuasive (present tense, emotive words) Avoid jargon, acronyms It’s about outcomes Emphasise your charity’s social outcomes More about the results of what you do, then what you actually do that is important (benefits, not features) Show how your charity makes a difference Don’t be shy of passion
Get in touch… @TheFishChick bianca@fishcommunitysolutions.com.au facebook.com/FishCommunitySolutions linkedin.com/in/thefishchick
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