Jung’s Typology and the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment Carl Jung (mid 1900s): Jung, a Swiss psychologist who studied under Sigmund Freud, created a way of categorizing personalities based on how they best interact with people and process information and ideas. 1. Extroverted vs Introverted Extroverts get their energy from other people, being social, and focus on their external self (how they look and appear to others) Introverts get their energy from their own thoughts. They appreciate solitude and get absorbed in their own thoughts and are more interested in ideas and thoughts than surface appearances. Approximately 75% of people are extroverts. Extroverts tend to be more “popular” and are often more valued by society. QUICK WRITE: Do you think you are extroverted or introverted? What correlations do you see between color type and extro- and intro-version?
2. Sensing vs. Intuitive 75% of people are sensing. Sensing means people that take in information through their 5 senses. They trust fact and things they can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. Intuitive people trust their gut feelings about things. They like to think about the future, contemplate theories, and use their imaginations when problem solving. 3. Thinking vs. Feeling 2/3 of men are thinkers; 2/3 of women are feelers. Thinking people like logic. They are very objective in their approach to problem solving which can make them appear heartless or uncaring. They see the world in Black and White/ Right and wrong. They like being praised for doing things well and logically. Feeling people hate friction and conflict. They see problems as “grey” and appreciate that there are many perspectives. They decide with their hearts, not their heads. QUICK WRITE: Hypothesize whether you are sensing or intuitive, thinking or feeling. What correlations do you see between color type and these categories?
Judging vs Perceiving This category was added by Myers and Briggs—it is not 1 of Jung’s typologies. Judgers are organized and like to plan their activities. They dislike surprise and change. They complete tasks step-by-step and usually before a deadline. Perceiving people seem spontaneous and scatter brained. They like freedom and are open to change. If they make a to-do list, they usually forget to check it or lose it. They often put things off until the last minute (procrastinators). QUICK WRITE: Hypothesize whether you are judging or perceiving. What correlations do you see between color type and this category?
Conceptualizing the results of an assessment 100% Extroversion Introversion 100% Sensing INtuition 100% Thinking Feeling 100% Judging Perceiving After you take the survey, you will get an acronym of results such as ENTP. You will also get a % that shows how strong you are of each letter. In the sample above, the person is Extroverted 35%, intuitive 5%, feeling 40% and perceiving 23%. Quick write: Write a brief description of the individual who got the results portrayed above. Discuss where/how she gets energized, how she receives information, how she evaluates information, and how she approaches day-to-day life. Do any of her traits seem to conflict with one another?