Miroslav Hajnoš, International Secretary of KOZ SR SOCIAL DIALOGUE Social Dialogue in the Republic of Macedonia: Between new concept and old practices December 6-th, 2018 Skopje Miroslav Hajnoš, International Secretary of KOZ SR
SOCIAL DIALOGUE in the Slovak republic
Social dialogue in the Slovak republic The representativeness of social partners is ensured by legislation Sectoral level Company level Economic and Social Council - consultation and advisory body of the Government of the SK National level Representation – Employers' union 100,000 employees and trade union 100,000 TU members Seats: 7 Ministers, 7 TU, 7 employers In the context of collective bargaining on sectorial level and company level is the representativeness determined by the Collective Bargaining Act Collective agreement, more members or judge
Social dialogue in the Slovak republic Sectoral level Company level Legislation negotiations, collective bargaining, tripartite, professional guidance – Confederation National level Collective bargaining, negotiations, professional guidance – Member Trade Unions Organizations Collective bargaining, negotiations, inspection, protection of employee interests, professional guidance – Trade Union at Employer
Social dialogue at sectoral and company level in the Slovak republic KOZ SR estimates that between 35% and 40% of employees are covered collective agreements. The EU average is 60 %. Sectoral level Company level Sectorial level collective agreements must be registered with the ministry of labour, there are around 28 agreements They cover a range of industries, including of course public sektor, banking, chemicals, energy and mechanical engineering. There are major problems at the sectoral level, especially employers are unwilling to enter into collective agreement for the whole industry and employers are not interested in Slovakia. Collective agreements is falling as employers are leaving employers’ associations
Social dialogue at national level in the Slovak republic The KOZ SR has the right to enter into the legislative process National level Any changes in legislation (governmental proposals), but also legislative changes (strategies, etc.) are public and passing by Slovak Interdepartmental Comments Procedure Parliamentary proposals do not need to be consulted by ICP - the current problem The legislative process continues with the approval of the Economic and Social Council - the tripartite (National Social Dialogue)
Social dialogue in the Slovak republic Negatives: Lack of capacities Lack of time Promotion Financing At all levels, urgent need of experts, trainings in communication and negotiations, advisors and analysis At national level we have lack of time for preparations of our opinions and amendments in legislation process At all levels, promote social dialogue and social partners Financing all activities
Building the capacities of the social dialogue institutions Government Pillars of financing social partners: Membership contributions State budget EU funds Capacities Social Dialogue Employers Trade Unions The power of the state: strong broad expert background. From this point of view, the social partners (employers and employees) can hardly compete.
Building the capacities of the social dialogue institutions Factors affecting Pillars of financing the social dialogue (Trade Unions): Membership contributions – number of members, wages State budget – political will, the overall mood in society EU funds – effective but temporary help Financing Trade Unions – Slovakia: Membership contributions √ State budget √/X EU funds √/X
EU funding of capacity building Centre of social dialogue – be able to cover: Activity – training and education – communication and negotiation Activity – promotion – newspaper ePráca, leaflets, web page Activity – capacity building – 4 new experts (2 lawyers, media, training) Activity – analysis Activity – professional guidance for everyone – client centre
EUROPEAN SOCIAL DIALOGUE Social dialogue between workers’ and employers’ representatives is a key component of the European social market economy.
EUROPEAN SOCIAL DIALOGUE Political level Technical/Expert level
European social partners Confederation of European Business BusinessEurope European Centre of Employers and Entreprises providing Public Services CEEP European Trade Union Confederation ETUC European Association of Crafts, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises UEAPME Political level
European Tripartite Social Summit forum for dialogue between the EU institutions at president level and the European social partners twice a year representatives of European and national social partner Political level
European Tripartite Social Summit Political level
European Tripartite Social Summit 16/10/2018 Discussions focused on three areas: the potential of the digital revolution for labour markets and the economy the implementation of the European pillar of social rights the next multiannual financial framework (MFF) including InvestEU, ESF+ and the deepening of the EMU Political level
European pillar of social rights "Today we commit ourselves to a set of 20 principles and rights. From the right to fair wages to the right to health care; from lifelong learning, a better work-life balance and gender equality to minimum income: with the European Pillar of Social Rights, the EU stands up for the rights of its citizens in a fast-changing world." Jean-Claude Juncker on the proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, 17 November 2017 Political level
Putting the Pillar into action: a joint effort European pillar of social rights Putting the Pillar into action: a joint effort Update EU legislation, step up enforcement Funding European Semester Social dialogue Civil Society Political level
Initiatives at EU level European pillar of social rights Initiatives at EU level Directive + policy measures currently discussed Work-life Balance: Proposal for a Directive in December 2017 Working conditions: Proposal for a Recommendation in March 2018 Access to Social Protection Proposal for a Regulation in March 2018 European Labour Authority Legal guidance on Directive 2003/88/EC Working Time: Political level
European Labour Authority European pillar of social rights European Labour Authority The Authority will Facilitate access for individuals and employers to information on their rights and obligations as well as to relevant services; Support cooperation between Member States in the cross-border enforcement of relevant Union law, including facilitating joint inspections; Mediate and facilitate a solution in cases of cross-border disputes between national authorities or labour market disruptions. Political level
The tripartite EU agency European agency for safety and health at work European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions European center for the development of vocational training Technical level
European Economic and Social Committee The EESC is not like other EU bodies. It is a unique forum for consultation, dialogue and consensus between representatives from all the different sectors of "organised civil society", including employers, trade unions and groups such as professional and community associations, youth organisations, women's groups, consumers, environmental campaigners and many more. Technical level
European Trade Union Confederation European Economic and Social Committee Press, Communication and Campaigns Committee Economic Committee Employment and Labour Market Committee Social Dialogue Committee Collective Bargaining and Wage Coordination Committee Workers Participation and Company Policy Committee Health and Safety Committee Economic and Social Cohesion and Regional Policies Committee Education and Training Committee Sustainable Development, Energy and Climate Change Committee Social Protection Committee Labour and Internal Market Legislation Committee Mobility, Migration and Inclusion Committee International Matters, Trade and International Development Committee Standardisation Committee Womens Committee Youth Committee European Trade Union Confederation ETUC Technical level
European Economic and Social Committee Social Dialogue Work Programme 2019-2021 Social Partners' consultation Monitor the implementation and follow-up of European social dialogue instruments European social partners’ autonomous framework agreement Social Dialogue Committee Technical level
EUROPEAN SOCIAL PARTNERS’ AUTONOMOUS FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT Telework (2002), Work Related Stress (2004), Harassment and Violence at Work (2007), Inclusive Labour Markets (2010); Active ageing and an inter-generational approach (2017) 2019???? Technical level
Thank you for your attention Miroslav Hajnoš, International Secretary of KOZ SR hajnos@kozsr.sk | 00421903251173