Energy-Efficient Target Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks PLLAB 김성민
Outline Introduction Proposal Conclusion Maximum Set Covers(MSC) Problem MSC Problem is NP-Complete MSC heuristic Conclusion
Critical Issue: Power Scarcity!!! Introduction Characteristics of WSN Dense Limited resourse … Critical Issue: Power Scarcity!!!
Target Coverage Problem Given m targets n sensors randomly deployed Assume same remaining energy same range How to optimize the sensor energy utilization?
Proposal C = {s1, s2, s3, s4} R = {r1, r2, r3} Disjoint sets: Lifetime G = 2 Our Approach: S1 = {s1, s2} with t1 = .5; S2 = {s2, s3} with t2 = .5 S3 = {s1, s3} with t3 = .5; S4 = {s4} with t4 = 1 Lifetime G = 2.5
Maximum Set Covers (MSC) Given C : set of sensors R : set of targets Goal Determine a number of set covers S1, …, Sp and t1,…,tp Where: Si completely covers R Maximize t1 + … + tp
Maximum Set Covers (MSC) Theorem: MSC is NP-Complete MSC problem belongs to the class NP and is NP-hard, so MSC is NP-Complete Proof ???? So, this paper presents Two heuristics.
MSC Heuristic We first model the MSC problem as an Integer Programming Given : A set of n sensor nodes: C = {s1 , s2, …, sn} A set of m targets: R={r1 , r2, …, rm} The relationship between sensors and targets: Ck = { i | sensor si covers target rk} s1 r1 C = {s1 , s2, s3}; s2 r2 R = {r1, r2, r3} s3 r3 C1 = {1,3}; C2 = {1,2}; C3 = {2,3} Variables: xij = 1 if si ∈ Sj, otherwise xij = 0 tj ∈ [0, 1], represents the time allocated for Sj
MSC Heuristic (IP) first constraint : each sensor life time <=1 second constraint : each target is covered by at least one sensor
MSC Heuristic (IP) The term xijtj is not linear Therefore we set yij = xijtj
MSC Heuristic (LP) We are ready to introduce LP-MSC heuristic
MSC Heuristic (LP) O (p3n3)
Greedy Heuristic Input parameter C - the set of sensors R - the set of targets w – sensor lifetime granularity, 0 < w <= 1
Greedy Heuristic O (im2n)
Conclusion Schedule the sensor node activity to alternate between sleep and active mode Our contributions: Propose maximum covers set approach Prove it is NP-complete Propose an efficient heuristic