Presentation of Water Springs “Zmajevac” Slide 1: Position of Montenegro in Europe Slide 2: Geographical Map of Montenegro Slide 3: Macro-location of Water Springs Slide 4: Location of Springs against Road Slide 5: 3D Presentation of Factory Slide 6: Top View of Factory Slide 7: Movie: “Power of Springs” - Slide 8: Movie: “From Road to Springs” Slides 9,10: Pictures of National Park “Žabljak” Slide 11: Another Water Factories in the Neighborhood Slide 12: Contact address
. Power of both Springs . is between 6 and 20 lit/sec . (min capacity is 21.600 lit/h)
“From Regional Road to Springs” Movie: “From Regional Road to Springs”
National Park “Žabljak” is only 10 km from Springs
Pictures from DURMITOR
4 km away from Springs “Zmajevac” is another Water Factory under the name “Gorska” which was established some 10 years ago (on Picture) 3 km from “Gorska”, Belgian Int. company “INTERBREW” right now builds new Water factory.
CONTACT: For more information please contact company : Deus Com Mr. Blažo Perović Direct Tel: +381.83.252-576 +381.83.252-587 Mobile: +381.69.041-603 E-mail: deuskom@cg.yu