Road map to 2013 UWWTD reporting exercise Reporting exercise timetable by Petra Ronen Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2013 UWWTD reporting exercise Launch foreseen in July 2011 (data submission July-December) New MS- Croatia (effective from July 2013) will be invited to participate (voluntarily) in the data request MS will be recommended to use the UWWTD web application for data compilation, quality checks and data (xml) export Data specification-no changes QA/QC-additional rules to be implemented Tabular dataset- focus on incoming and discharged loads, deadlines for the UWWTD implementation (new MS), designation dates of receiving areas Spatial dataset (shapefiles)-introduction of INSPIRE relevant rules (in line with the Data Specification on Area management/restriction/regulation zones) Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Preparation of reporting exercise Review/Update of data delivery structures (April -May) Additional QA rules to be programmed in the web tool Reporting schemas Reporting instructions Background documents GDEM tool Forum site for the UWWTD reporting Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Helpdesk service and QAQC process Helpdesk service to be provided in Q3-Q4 QAQC Automatic (with the help of web application) Manual (additional checks, shapefiles) Close cooperation with MS (data manager can follow the entire process of data compilation and amendments) All MS datasets to be finalised by the end of December Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Bathing Water Quality Assessment of the 2012 bathing season BWD reporting 2012 Bathing Water Quality Assessment of the 2012 bathing season by Lidija Globevnik Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Bathing Water Quality Assessment of the 2012 bathing season All countries reported under the Directive 2006/7/EC in 2012. 18 MS and Croatia are assessed under the Directive 2006/7/EC in 2012 compared to 16 MS in 2011, three in 2010 (LU, MT, HU) and two in 2009 (LU, MT). Nine MS are assessed under transition period rules (Austria, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, the United Kingdom) and Switzerland. Event/ date: Group D, April 2013 Author: ETC ICM - TC Vode
Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Some facts: For 2012 season data: check of monitoring frequency and pre-season sampling (Interval 31 days between sampling date, 4 days allowed if special circumstances, but have to reported/explained) If data for the four years are available (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) assessment under 2006/7/EC; otherwise only 2012 used for the assessment (transitional period rules) January – March 2013 QA/QC process: some new data, updates and explanations; clarifications in regard to new bathing waters/existing/changes that (not)affect classification/short-term pollution (STP)/groups/re-opened bathing waters (170 messages!; 1 MS revised reporting for 2012 season in March 2013!) closed bathing waters: if BW is closed MS should take samples! Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
All bathing water quality results in 2012 Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Bathing water quality - results in 2012
Coastal bathing water quality results in EU for the period 1990 - 2012 Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Inland bathing water quality results in EU for the period 1990 - 2012 Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Short-term pollution events for the 2012 season (179 bathing waters in EU; 33 of them have more than one STP) Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Comparison of 2012 with 2011 (and 2010) In 2012, 92.5 % of all bathing waters in EU-27 achieved the minimum quality standard set of the bathing water directives. This is an improvement of 0.2% compared to 2011 and 1.1% to the 2010 season. In 2012, 94.2 % of coastal bathing waters in EU-27 achieved the minimum quality standard set of the bathing water directives. This is an improvement of 0.9% compared to 2011. In 2012, 70.2 % of inland bathing waters in EU-27 achieved the minimum quality standard set of the bathing water directives. This is a decrease of 0.2% compared to 2011 and 1.1% to the 2010 season. On the other hand, only 2.2 % of inland bathing waters in the EU do not satisfy the minimum quality level. This is a 0.2 % decrease compared to the previous year, continuing the slowly but steadily decreasing long-term trend of bathing waters with poor quality. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Road map to 2013 WISE SoE data request by Miroslav Fanta Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2012 WISE SoE reporting – overview of data processing Reporting categories: Rivers water quality incl. biological elements in rivers Lakes water quality incl. biological elements in lakes Groundwater quality Emissions to water Water quantity TCM water quality Biological elements in Transitional and Coastal waters Sampling preiod: data sampled in 2011 and older Reporting period: 1 August 2012 – 31 October 2012 Time schedule: November 2012 – March 2013: QA, data processing incl. corrections and clarification of inconsistencies, communication with countries March 2013: delivery of harmonised European datasets per reporting categories to EEA March – April 2013: checking of European datasets by EEA project manager April – May 2013: confirmation outputs for WISE maps publication of European datasets in EEA Waterbase Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2012 WISE SoE reporting – overview of individual categories (1) Rivers water quality incl. biological elements in rivers Data reported by 34 countries, not reported by AT, CH, CZ, HU, IT Biological elements in rivers reported by 20 countries Evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 5 countries 2 smileys: 23 countries 1 smiley : 5 countries -1 smiley : 6 countries (all not reported + GR with unusable delivery, no feedback) General evaluation: Quality of data is getting better every year. Overall there are no major problems in data, except for stations (misspelled codes, recodifications, missing stations, isolated stations, etc.) All inconsistencies in European database and report will be corrected this week. Lakes water quality incl. biological elements in lakes Data reported by 30 countries, no data reported by AT, CH, CZ, HU, IT, LI, LU, MK, SI Biological elements in rivers reported by 19 countries Evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 14 countries 2 smileys: 9 countries 1 smiley : 6 countries -1 smiley : 10 countries Revised European dataset will be finished within cca 10 days Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2012 WISE SoE reporting – overview of individual categories (2) Groundwater quality Data reported by 39 countries, not reported by HU Evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 21countries 2 smileys: 15 countries 1 smiley : 2 countries -1 smiley : 1 countries General evaluation: 1 country only is missing, several countries still provide data with large number of errors or inconsistencies, therefore careful QA and communication with countries is needed All comments of EEA project manager were reflected in last version of European dataset – - waiting for final approval. Emissions to water Data reported by 18 countries Proposed evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 8 countries 2 smileys: 5 countries 1 smiley : 5 countries -1 smiley : 21 countries Relevant emissions data from E-PRTR and UWWTD datsbases were added into SoE Emissions datasbase by data manager. Status of European database aggreed by EEA task manager, few correction of report sill needed – final approval expected this week. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2012 WISE SoE reporting – overview of individual categories (3) Water quantity Data reported by 29 countries Evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 2 countries 2 smileys: 4 countries 1 smiley : 29 countries -1 smiley : 4 countries For the evaluation the submission of water quantity data through the OECD/EUROSTAT JQ is taken also into account. Countries reported data, relevant to Water Quantity, in EUROSTAT/OECD Joint Questionnaire on Inland Waters receive at least one smiley. General evaluation: Stable dataflow, slightly increased participation. Too many parameters requested. Some countries repeatedly report in non-conformal format. Minor corrections of European dataset needed only; updated dataset reflecting all EEA task manager comments will be finished this week. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2012 WISE SoE reporting – overview of individual categories (4) TCM waters + Biological elements in TC waters Data reported by 25 countries; not reported by IT, MT, PT, TR Evaluation of countries: 3 smileys: 14 countries 2 smileys: 11 countries 1 smiley : 0 countries -1 smiley : 4 countries General evaluation: Most countries submit data and the quality is improving over the years. Updated dataset reflecting all EEA task manager comments will be finished early this week. Summary: European datasets and accompanying reports for all reporting categories except of lakes will be ready for final approval by EEA task manager this week. Lakes dataset should follow one week later. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
2013 WISE SoE reporting – timing Time schedule for the 2013 WISE SoE reporting: preliminary letter to countries on small changes to Data Dictionary and Scoring criteria: sent 31.5., reply from countries 15.6., decision on changes 30.6. announcement letter to countries: 31.7. Please follow the structure and rules described in the Data Dictionaries! Stability of identifiers: if an identifier is changed, then list the old version of the identified in the remarks field! Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Pre-filling of OECD/Eurostat JQ by George Karavokiros, Water quantity Petra Ronen, UWWT Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Pre-filling with WISE-SoE water quantity data 108 parameters in six tables of the JQ 2012 were relevant for pre-filling with WISE-SoE water quantity data 5242 water quantity data records (values) in total from 21 countries have been provided to EUROSTAT for pre-filling Other information which has been provided to EUROSTAT regarding the (spatial/temporal) aggregation of the values and the data provider was not used by Eurostat for the JQ For this presentation, the ETC/ICM has asked the Swiss NFP (Monika Schaffner) for some help, since we do not have access any more to the pre-filled questionnaire as submitted to the MS. Slide 1: (Part of) Table 1 of the JQ 2012 pre-filled. Values for the years 2008-2010 have been pre-filled from WISE-SoE data, the rest from past JQs. Footnote c) informs MS that the respective values come from sources other than EUROSTAT Slide 2: The same table as submitted by the Swiss authorities filled-in and corrected by them after reassessment of the values as indicated by footnote a) Slide 3: The regional questionnaire (part of it) as submitted by the Swiss authorities. The marked fields are pre-filled values with WISE-SoE data and partially corrected by the Swiss authorities. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Example of Table 1 of the JQ 2012 pre-filled
Table 1 of the JQ 2012 filled-in and corrected by the national authorities
REQ 2012 as submitted by the national authorities
Conclusions The Swiss corrected several pre-filled data in the JQ, which means that the respective data reported under SoE were not correct. SoE WQ could be corrected after this comparison. The same happened also for Greece and need to be checked for the other countries. Such cross checking helps toimprove both data flows. Eurostat will inform the WG on water statistics meeting on 13 May about the corrections of pre-filled data. EEA, ETC, Eurostat will meet on 14 May to analyse the corrections of pre-filled data for SoE WQ, SoE emissions, UWWT. Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
Pre-filing of Eurostat Joint Questionnaire with UWWT data UWWTD data reported in 2011 used to pre-fill tables 5,6 and 7 of the JQ on Inland Waters Reference year for data reported-2009, 2010 Table 5- population connected to the UWWT- only 2 MS (RO, IT) provide the data Table 6- WWTP treatment capacity all MS provided data (although data only avaialble for WWTPs serving agglomerations above 2000 p.e.) Table 7 –sludge management all MS provided the data Only data at the MS level were pre-filled , filling at NUTS and RBD level (table 6 only) is close to being being finalized Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
UWWTD data availability JQ tables 5 and 7 Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM
UWWTD data availability JQ table 6- UWWTPs-treatment capacity Event/ date: WG D meeting, 15 April 2013, Brussels Author: Anita Künitzer, ETC/ICM