Celebration of Champions BBC Children in Need Celebration of Champions Ideally this should be used for a whole school assembly. However, if this isn’t possible, this material can also be used as a year assembly.
BBC Children in Need and [Add school name] presents… (Add your school name to this slide) The Celebration of Champions
Welcome to the Celebration of Champions (click for video) Today, along with other schools across the UK, we’re going to celebrate what we’ve achieved for BBC Children in Need. Welcome, everyone! It’s been an amazing couple of weeks, with all sorts of mad fundraising activities going on around school for BBC Children in Need. Now it’s time for us to celebrate! Video link - https://youtu.be/EUobtXk_R8g Welcome to the Celebration of Champions (click for video) https://youtu.be/EUobtXk_R8g
This is our assembly: by students, for students! Get ready for… Dancing Singing Magic (Edit the slide to summarise the entertainment you have in store.) The teachers have stepped aside and put us in charge, so who knows what’s going to happen?! The main aim is for us all to have a great time and celebrate the brilliant things that have been going on in school for BBC Children in Need. Acting Applause Laughter
[Add name of band or act, with photograph] Let us entertain you! [Add name of band or act, with photograph] So to get the ball rolling, here’s (introduce the first act – a band / singer / performer who has been involved in fundraising), who helped to raise an amazing £XX through (add the amount raised and what they did).
activity You can’t have missed all the that’s been going on in school over the past couple of weeks… (Show a video, create a photo collage or use a few slides to summarise some of the fundraising highlights. Talk through each, explaining what people have done and how much they have raised. Perhaps call people up to be interviewed, or have roving reporters going around the assembly hall to talk to students and teachers.)
Action! Now it’s time to see some more of our fundraisers in (Introduce the act, explain what they have done and how much they have helped to raise.) [with photograph] [Add name of band or act.]
Congratulations to… Our Challenge Champions Congratulations to… Our Challenge Champions! Our Entertainment Champions! Our Baking Champions! Our Dress-Up Champions! (Add names underneath each heading and award certificates to individuals who have been most proactive in fundraising in the areas of Challenge, Entertainment, Baking and Dress-Up. Call out names, year groups/forms and celebrate what each person has done. If a local dignitary or a volunteer from Lloyds Bank is at your assembly, they could make a short speech here and present the awards.)
Entertainment Champions Time for one of our Entertainment Champions to take centre stage… (Introduce one of your Entertainment Champions, explain what they have done and how much they have helped to raise.) [with photograph] [Add name of band or act.]
We may have been in charge, but our teachers have certainly played their part! A massive thanks to all the staff for their support. And now, teachers, for your moment in the spotlight… (You could ask the lead teacher to make a short speech and/or arrange for a group of teachers to perform. Perhaps a dance? Or a fancy dress parade to music?)
What’s inspired our Champions of Change? Click on the image to find out more… Where will your fundraising go? Now for the serious bit. What has persuaded all these fantastic people to do such amazing, crazy, ridiculous, brilliant things for BBC Children in Need. Video - https://youtu.be/rifa0GrANuI
0000.00 What was our aim? Our fundraising target was… (Add your fundraising target to this slide) When we launched Champions of Change, we set ourselves the fundraising target of £XXX. We knew it was ambitious. We knew if we were going to achieve this everyone would have to pull together and work incredibly hard.
What have we achieved? Together, we have raised a grand total of 0000.00 (Think about how to announce the final amount raised in style. Could you get someone to play a drum roll? Ask Year 7 students to come up on stage, give each a card with a number on and unveil the final amount figure by figure?) This is an unbelievable result! And there’s hopefully still a bit more to come in. (Take the opportunity to plug any activities still to take place.) A massive thanks to all of you who have taken part. Between us, we’ve raised enough money to (see the shopping list in your fundraising pack to add the type of things that could be funded with the amount your school has raised).
LET’S CELEBRATE! We really are (Arrange a celebration moment to round off the assembly in style. Do you have a band or singer in school who could lead a celebratory song and get everyone dancing and singing along? Perhaps with the help of the PE department you could arrange a flash mob style dance for as many people to take part in as possible?) LET’S CELEBRATE!
amazing time in school We hope you’ve enjoyed our assembly Thanks again for all you’ve done to make this such an amazing time in school We’d like to thank our lead teacher (add details). We’d also like to thank all the teachers who organised activities in their lessons (add any special mentions here). Thanks to (add name of headteacher) for letting us loose on the school with our mad fundraising ideas. Thanks to (add name of Lloyds Bank volunteer) for all their support and expertise. And thanks to all of you for taking part and making donations.
You changed children’s lives! Well done Well done, Champions of Change! You got involved… You raised some money… You changed children’s lives!