Tuesday 26 March 2019 Assemblies Assemblies will take place in the Assembly Hall as follows: TODAY (Tuesday) S2 Year Head Assembly Wednesday 27 March S3 Year Head Assembly Thursday 28 March S4 Year Head Assembly Friday 29 March S5/6 Year Head Assembly All year groups Expiry date: 29/03/19
Exam Assemblies Can the following year group please attend on the following dates and times for Exam Assembly: S4 Tuesday 26 March Period 1 Mr Jarvie S4 Expiry date: 26/03/19
Merit Position On Friday 22 March 2019 S1 2067 S2 1497 S3 905 S4 544 348 S6 198 All year groups Expiry date: 26/03/19
WHAT’S ON AT MILLBURN MON TUES WED THUR FRI LUNCH AFTER SCHOOL S1-S3 Badminton (PE Dept) 1.15-2pm S1-S6 Chess Club (Rm 258) 1.15-2pm S1-S6 Scripture Union (Rm154) 1.15-2pm S1/2 Football (Astro) 3.40-5pm S2-S3 Basketball (Games Hall) 3.40-5pm S4-S6 Rugby (Grass) 3.40-5pm U12 Highland Bears (Games Hall) 5-6pm Rock Challenge (Assembly Hall) 3.40-5pm TUES S1 Boys Football (PE Dept) 1.15-2pm S1-S6 Spanish Club (Rm331) 1.30-2pm Dodgeball (PE Dept) 1.15-2pm Stem Club (Rm 136) 1.15-2pm S1-2 Creative Writing (Rm 315) 1.30-2pm Orchestra 3.40-4.30pm Netball (Games Hall) 3.45-5pm Cello Army 4.30-5.15pm Crown Primary Football 5-6pm S4-S6 Biology Supported Study (check rota on Rm 222) 3.40-4.40pm S4-S6 Physics Study & Support (Rm 217) 3.40-4.40pm (Oct-Apr) S4-S6 History Supported Study (Rm 253/254) 3.40-4.40pm S4-S6 Spanish Supported Study (Rm 331) 3.40-4.40pm S4-S6 PE Study Club (Rm 325) 3.45-5pm WED S1-S3 Maths Club (Rm 211) 1.15-2pm S1-S4 Girls Football (PE Dept) 1.15-2pm Archaeology Club (Rm 254) 1.15-2pm Book Group (Library) 1.15-2pm S1-S6 American Football S1-S6 Athletics (PE Dept) S4-S6 Physics Study & Support (Rm217) 3.40-4.40pm (Oct-Apr) S4-S6 Basketball (Games Hall) 3.40-5pm S4-S6 Art Department Supported Study (Art Dept) 3.40-5pm S4-S6 French Supported Study (Rm 333) 3.40-4.40pm Girls Football (Astro) 3.40-5pm Dance Leaders Group (Dance Studio) 3.45-5pm Highland Elite Sports Academy (Gym Hall) 4-6pm THUR S1-S2 Film Club (Rm 204) 1.15-2pm S2 Football (PE Dept) 1.15-2pm History Club (Rm253) 1.15-2pm Chaplain Drop In (Hot Chocolate Club) (Rm156) 1.15-2pm S1 Basketball (Games Hall) 3.40-4.30pm S1-S6 Millburn Wind Band (Main Hall) 3.45-4.30pm S4-S6 N5 Maths Revision/Study (Rm211) 3.40-4.30pm CrossFit Kids (Gym Hall) 4-6pm Senior Girls Hockey Drama Club (Small Gym Hall) 3.45-5pm FRI S1-S3 Basketball (Games Hall) 1-3pm Raigmore United Football Training 1.30-3pm
All year groups Expiry date: 01/04/19
Mother’s Day (31 March) Have you bought a present for that important lady in your life? No? … then buy a keyring for Tanzania. £2 £3 By buying a keyring you will be contributing towards the building of a house in Tanzania – part of the Millburn Academy trip with the Vine Trust in 2020. Available from Mrs Fraser, room 201 (You could buy one for yourself as well) All year groups Expiry date: 27/03/19
Scottish Youth Parliament Election Scottish Youth Parliament is a youth-led organisation that allows the Government to hear and listen to the youth of Scotland. It focuses on the human rights of children, which are pretty much the same as adults. Your opinions deserve to be heard and that’s what the SYP fights for. All you need to vote is – the long number on the front of your Young Scot Card. Go to: elections.youngscot.org, type in that number and select your constituency “Inverness & Nairn” and rate your candidates 1-5 (1 being the favourite). Our very own Kimberley Brown (S5) is running and would greatly appreciate your vote! If you require more information or wish to discuss further please feel free to get in contact with Kimberley. Closing date for voting is Friday 29 March. All year groups Expiry date: 29/03/19
History Film Club All year groups NOW SHOWING … Where?: Room 253 When?: THURSDAYS What Time?: 1.30pm-2pm Bring your lunch ALL welcome! Lunch slips available from Mrs Bond All year groups Expiry date: 04/04/19
Millburn Percussion Group A notice for all members of Millburn Percussion Group and for Mr Galbraith’s percussion students performing in the concert next week. There will be a rehearsal on Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime at 1.35pm in Room 234. If you have any questions, please speak to Mr Munro asap. You can collect a lunch slip from Mr Munro. All year groups Expiry date: 27/03/19
Displaced Classes Wednesday 27 March All year groups Period Ms Macrae Mrs Karikas IS 5R go to 150 5P go to 159 P1 1Q go to 150 1R go to 159 (P1&2) P2 3C go to 260 3C go to 150 P3 2R go to Room 159 - P4 2U – GO TO 150 P5 2U go to Room 150/ 4E HFT go to Room 153 P6 4D HOSP go to Room240 4D HOSP go to Room 150 P7 4D HOSP go to Room 240 4D HOSP go to Room 150 All year groups Expiry date: 27/03/19
Displaced Classes Thursday 28 March All year groups Period Teacher Ms Macrae Mrs Karikas IS 5R go to 150 5P go to 159 P1 1Q go to 150 1R go to 159 (P1&2) P2 3C go to 260 3C go to 150 P3 2R go to Room 159 - P4 2U – GO TO 150 P5 2U go to Room 150/ 4E HFT go to Room 153 P6 4D HOSP go to Room240 4D HOSP go to Room 150 P7 4D HOSP go to Room 240 4D HOSP go to Room 150 All year groups Expiry date: 28/03/19
S1-4 Expiry date: 29/03/19
Battlefields Trip – June 2019 Reminder that the final payment of £240 due in by Friday 29 March. Please see Mrs Thain if there are any problems. S1-4 Expiry date: 29/03/19
S2-3 Navigation training Thursday at 1.30pm prompt in room 219 Expiry date: 28/03/19
S3-4 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze 3rd – 4th years Every Wednesday lunch time is a drop in time for those who need to sort DofE stuff and get any questions answered. S3-4 Expiry date: 05/05/19
UHI Schools Courses S3-6 Easter Break Easter break at College is from the 1 April to 22 April, please attend school on the final week of term! May Study Leave Where courses are still running in May, it is expected pupils will attend courses as normal as they are still studying for a qualification (all courses, e.g. skills for work, face to face, infill and online). Pupils should inform lecturers days they will not be in due to exams. Informing lecturers in advance allows absences to be noted for attendance records. S3-6 Expiry date: 05/04/19
Study Leave Entitlement Please click on the following link which will take you to information about study leave. If you have any questions please see your year head as soon as possible. Pupils who do not meet the requirements for full study leave entitlement will be contacted about an alternative programme of work. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-hK2Er56L0AB0nyY0ndxYlqdLIKLtBF0-cZBL6P5zik/edit?usp=sharing S4-6 Expiry date: 24/04/19
World Challenge Expedition 2019 Fitness Test 2 All pupils taking part in World Challenge must meet in the Games Hall on Tuesday 26 March (TODAY) at 3.40pm for the second fitness test. Please note the change of date!! S4-6 Expiry date: 26/03/19
S1 pupils - Outdoor Learning Experience The second payment date for the OLE is Friday 29 March. Pupils who will be making payments should report to the hall immediately after registration on Friday 29 March. SLT S1 Expiry date: 26/03/19
S1 Transition Helpers The following pupils are to attend a short meeting in Ms Cuthbertson’s Room (258) Wednesday Break-time (27th March) Alfie Chalmers Alfie McNeil-Legg Catriona Grant-Sanchez Grace Kemp Harsh Patel Iona MacRae Jack Larkman Jay Dalziel Leigh Gausi Lewis Laws Rhianna Main Robbie Fraser Sean Celestial Alexandra Grey Calum Holmes Charlotte MacKay Chloe Morris Danielle Tapia David Ward Eilidh Gray Ella Wheeler Emmie Denoon Hadiya Ali Hannah Stewart Hollie Worthing Isla Walker Sophie Ewan Izabela Wasilewska Jodie Lamond Katie Ewan Katie MacDonald Kirsty Matheson Kirstyn Munro Leona Watson Lexi Sawyer Lily Vivers Reuben Wood Saffa Iqbal S1 Expiry date: 27/03/19
2020 Blythswood Romania Trip Any current S4 pupil who is interested in applying for the 2020 team please come to a meeting at interval on Tuesday 2 April in Room 206 If you cannot make the meeting see Miss Souter as soon as possible S4 Expiry date: 02/04/19
Interested in becoming a prefect next year? Current S5 Year Group Interested in becoming a prefect next year? Applications are now being accepted via google classroom- class code 4kuzq3 - where you will find information and support on how to apply. If you have any questions, please see Mr Jarvie as soon as possible. The deadline for applications is Friday 29 March. S5 Expiry date: 29/03/19