2011-12 Planning & Budget Forum October 11, 2011
2011-12 Planning and Budget Forum AGENDA: 2011-12 State Budget - Assumptions CA Community Colleges Budget Butte College Budget Planning Strategy Forecast: What Can We Expect? Budget Development Considerations Enrollment Management 2012-13 Budget Planning
The 2011-12 State Budget Signed by Governor on June 30, 2011 On time budget = on time apportionment Passed without need for “temporary tax extensions” Increased Revenue Assumptions $6.1B more in May than January $4.0B more in June than May
Budget Triggers and Mid-year Cuts Tier 0: $3 Billion received No mid-year cuts Tier 1 Trigger: $2 B - $3 B received Up to $601 million mid-year cuts Includes $100 million reduction to UC Includes $100 million reduction to CSU Includes $30 million reduction to CCC
Budget Triggers and Mid-year Cuts Tier 2 Trigger: Less than $2 B received Over $1.8 Billion mid-year cuts Includes elimination of K-12 transportation Includes reduction = 7 school days Includes $72 million reduction to CCC
CA Community Colleges Budget Best Case Scenario: $400 million cut to base apportionment Fee increase from $26 to $36/unit $129 million in new deferrals No COLA or growth funding No categorical restoration
Butte College Budget Best Case: Budget Cut $3.153 million Fixed Costs $1.127 million Budget GAP $4.28 million Worst Case: Budget Cut $3.873 million Budget GAP $5.0 million
What Can We Expect? CCC 2012-13 Budget Proposal (i.e “Wishlist”) Restore Categorical Cuts Fund Lost COLAs Fund Enrollment Growth 1X$ for Sched Maint/Instr Equip and Mandated Cost Reimbursements
Economic Reality
Economic Reality Impact to CCCs: Increased class sizes and waitlists Reduced course offerings Spending down reserves Fewer adjunct faculty Layoffs/furloughs of classified and managers Fewer first time students
Budget Development Considerations ISSUES TO CONSIDER: Maintain FON (FT Faculty Obligation) Comply with 50% Law Decrease Unfunded FTES Protect Core Sections Cash Flow Balanced Budget
Available Apportionment Is Declining Enrollment Management Available Apportionment Is Declining
Tracking Our FTES Target FTES Target Tracking 2011-2012 2010-2011 Cap = $51,312,962 2011-2012 Workload Reduction Scenario A = -$3,188,010 2011-2012 Cap = $48,124,952 Credit Noncredit Enhanced Noncredit Totals Cap $ $ 45,116,637.00 $ 2,913,196.00 $ 95,119.00 $ 48,124,952.00 Cap FTES 9883.53 1061.29 29.43 FTES Total (Estimated) 10613.51 1005.63 180.53 Total FTES - Cap (+unfunded/-underfunded) 729.98 -55.66 151.10 Total $ value of Apportionment Claim $ 48,448,868.85 $ 2,760,411.91 $ 583,485.16 $ 51,792,765.93 $ Value in Excess of Cap $ 3,332,231.85 $ (152,784.09) $ 488,366.16 $ 3,667,813.93 % over/under cap 7.39% -5.24% 513.43% 7.62%
Butte College Planning, Budgeting, and Assessment (PBA) Process 2. Unit Planning 3. Faculty Hiring Jan 4. Strategic Direction Refinement Dec Feb Driven by Program Reviews and Assessment Balanced Scorecard Demographic Snapshot Program Review Data Nov Mar Driven by Program Reviews & Assessment Balanced Scorecard Demographic Snapshot Program Review Data Process ensures that budget decisions are driven by planning and that planning is based on assessment Oct Apr 5. Prioritizing 7. Final Budget Approval Sep May Aug Jun 1. Process Review Jul 6. Budget Development Updated: November, 2010
Person answering entire question correctly gets a prize Quiz Show The Rules Person answering entire question correctly gets a prize Open book, open notes, collaboration authorized
Resources Planning, Budgeting and Assessment Process http://www.butte.edu/community/about/pba/documents/PBAProcess.pdf Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance http://www.butte.edu/pba/unit_plans.html Butte College Strategic Direction http://www.butte.edu/community/about/pba/documents/StrategicDirection.pdf Accreditation Follow-Up Surveys MyBC Groups and Committees Participatory Governance Committee Shared Documents Accreditation Follow Up Survey Fall 2011
Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance – The Quiz Show 1. Which of the following is NOT one of the college’s five Strategic Initiatives? Inspiring passion through collaboration Focusing on student success Valuing a culture of learning Being the best community college in California Enhancing an innovative, flexible, responsive, and accountable culture Modeling sustainability Answer: d
Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance - The Quiz Show 2. Which areas will be doing Administrative Program Review this year? Admissions and Records VP, Planning and Information VP, Student Learning and Economic Development Facilities Planning and Management Library Answers: b, c, and d
Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance – The Quiz Show 3. Which of the following are criteria for prioritizing unit plan resource requests? Hint: There are five Resolving health, life, and safety issues Establishing new initiatives that support the Strategic Direction Whatever Les says Maintaining the appropriate program and service mix between the main campus and outlying centers Achieving world peace and ending world hunger Maintaining core programs and services in an increasingly resource constrained environment Increasing student success and/or capacity Answers: a, b, d, f, and g
Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance – The Quiz Show 4. What is the standard for classified staff and associate faculty participation in the development of the unit plan and administrative program review? Provide all classified staff and associate faculty an opportunity to provide meaningful input Let classified staff and associate faculty review the plan Gain classified staff and associate faculty approval of the plan Make classified staff and associate faculty write the plan Answer: a
Unit Planning and Administrative Program Review Guidance – The Quiz Show 5. Which of the following is a focus area in the college’s current Strategic Direction? Ending political discord in Slovakia Institutionalize a First-Year Experience program that results in increased student persistence and retention Increasing FTES Reducing paper usage on campus Continue to implement outstanding professional development programs Answer: b
Survey Sort The Rules Body sort to what you believe to be the correct answer - A, B, C or D Prize Patrol will track those who get each answer correct Participant(s) who get all answers correct will be rewarded
Survey Sort From the Fall, 2011 Survey I have the opportunity to provide input as the budget is developed through the unit planning process. (Classified)(Strongly agree or agree) 29% 36% 54% 62% Answer c Up from 43% in Spring 2010
Survey Sort From the Fall, 2011 Survey Unit planning and program review are tied to resource allocation. (Full-time faculty)(Strongly agree or agree) 27% 38% 49% 56% Answer d Managers: 82%
Survey Sort From the Fall, 2011 Survey My unit (department) has an effective planning process in place. (Associate Faculty)(Strongly agree or agree) 28% 39% 49% 65% Answer d Managers: 88%
Survey Sort From the Fall, 2011 Survey The college uses quantitative and qualitative information (data) to make overall improvements for the institution (Full-Time Faculty)(Strongly agree or agree) 59% 66% 74% 83% Answer c Up from 51% in Spring 2010
Questions?? http://www.butte.edu/pba/pba_committee.html