Managers Guide to on-boarding at Connect November 2018 On-boarding Experience People Team
Introduction 90% of employees decide whether to leave a company within their first 6 months! This is why the on boarding of new colleagues is such a crucial process. Colleagues need to be bought into our vision as a company, understand and relate to our values and understand how their role contributes to the business’ success. As a manager, you have control over the on boarding experience we offer to new colleagues. The more time you spend with your new starter signposting key information, making introductions and generally preparing for their arrival, the more engaged and enthused they are about the role they play and the business overall. This guide is designed to support you in making the most of this critical period of engagement with our new colleagues.
Colleague on-boarding cycle Pre-boarding (Slide 4 – 6) The experience from offer to arrival. First 3 months (Slide 7 – 9) The experience from day 1 to probationary review. First year (Slide 10) The experience from probation to one year.
Colleague Experience: Pre-boarding Colleague Experience: Pre-boarding The experience from offer to arrival. Application process Interview process Offer/ contract Invite to visit Meet the team/office visit Pre-arrival manager call Managers checklist: Once an offer is accepted and you have a start date for the new colleague: Where possible, offer an opportunity to meet the team/visit the office prior to their arrival Raise a Service Now ticket to arrange any IT/Kit they will need Build a tailored 3 week induction programme (avoiding back to back meetings) Allocate an appropriate buddy - someone that can offer them day to day support on the smaller things and help them get up to speed Contact the colleague the week before they’re due to join, and confirm the basics for parking, arrival time, dress code etc. Draft an announcement for circulation on their arrival
SAMPLE Induction plan Week 1 Monday (enter location) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Meeting with manager: Introductions Objectives for week Overview of the role/team Meet the team/office tour Equipment set up/log in Lunch arranged with buddy/team ID badge/parking permit Systems for your role Workload overview Online induction/H&S Ensure booked onto Welcome session Introduction to buddy – protected time Session with IT (*where applicable) Day out with a driver @ a convenient Tufnell’s depot 1 week check in – manager Week 2 Monday (enter location) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Agree objectives for week Meet with own head of ‘LL3’ Meetings with critical stakeholders Buddy catch up – protected time Night shift @ a convenient Smiths News depot Shorter day 2 week check in - manager Week 3 Monday (enter location) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Agree objectives for week Buddy catch up – protected time 3 week check in - manager
Announcement Template Key points to include:- I am delighted to announce that ……….. will be joining the ………… team in (when) as (role). Individuals experience and background with details of roles and credentials How they will have impact in the role, key responsibilities, interfaces I’m sure you’ll join me in welcoming ……… to the business. Guidance for distribution L2 Appointments – team and relevant stakeholders L3 Appointments – CLT L4 Appointments – whole organisation This will form part of the managers pack.
Colleague Experience: First 3 months – Day 1 Colleague Experience: Welcome Meeting Site tour/ badge/ meet the team KIT Introduction to buddy Introductions Stakeholders Managers checklist: Circulate the announcement of the colleagues arrival Conduct a welcome meeting providing them with a business overview, team introductions, key projects/changes and their role Provide them with their welcome pack inserting their personal 3 week induction Arrange for a site tour to include all teams, H&S/Fire, Toilets, Kitchen, Canteen Arrange for them to get their ID badge/parking permit (facilities) Arrange to do introductions with the team/key stakeholders Arrange to introduce them to and meet with their buddy Arrange for them to receive their IT/Kit with support around getting set up Draw on your team to help induct the new starter - you don’t have to do everything!
Colleague Experience: First 3 months – Week 1 Colleague Experience: Getting to know the business Regular meetings with buddy Objectives Access to systems End of week check in with manager Managers checklist: Arrange weekly catch ups with the new colleague to check how they’re doing and how they’re feeling Encourage them to talk through any ideas they have on improvements – encouraging better engagement and commitment Set clear and measurable objectives that are achievable during their probation period Share what good looks like in your team and how they demonstrate our values Encourage them to spot any inefficiencies, to challenge current ways of working and have suggestions for making it better. Continue to seek opportunities to integrate your new colleague
First 3 months – Week 2 to month 3 Colleague Experience: Meetings with key stakeholders Regular meetings with buddy Objectives Online compliance training Weekly meetings with manager Managers checklist - Week 2 to month 3: Conduct weekly catch ups with the new colleague to check how they’re doing and how they’re feeling Ensure you are available and accessible to them during their probation period Provide any feedback in a timely and constructive way Check in with their buddy regularly for feedback Managers checklist - Probationary review: Your PBP will remind you that your colleague is coming up to their review Book a probation meeting in with your new starter – explain the format of the meeting and if you expect them to do any preparation in advance Gather feedback for your new starter from colleagues and stakeholders Provide them with the written outcome of the probationary review
Colleague Experience: First year Colleague Experience: Building networks/ relationships Objectives Team meetings Colleague check in Bi monthly meetings with manager Managers checklist Set clear and measurable objectives for the remainder of the business year Bi monthly PDR meetings to discuss progress/performance/objectives Continue to provide feedback in a timely and constructive way