Year 11 Exam Preparation.


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Presentation transcript:

Year 11 Exam Preparation

Year 11 Exam Preparation Information Evening Content Overview of the examinations process Resources to take away – Top Tips Booklet Core subject talks (Maths, English, Science, MFL, RS) Option subject talks An opportunity to ask questions Looking forward to exciting times ahead Key dates

Key Dates Easter Revision 8th – 11th April. Invitations / timetables will be sent tomorrow. GCSEs May 13th  June 18th. National contingency day – June 26th. Should there be a local or national event which prevents an exams taking place, this day is used. Further information will go home in letters tomorrow. Core Mocks Monday 18 March RS – 8:45 - 10:30am Biology - 1:30 - 3:00pm Tuesday 19th March English - 8:45 - 10:30am Maths 1 (non-calculator) - 1:30 - 3:00pm Wednesday 20th March Chemistry - 8:45 - 10:15am Thursday 21st March Maths 2 (calculator) - 8:45 - 10:15am Friday 22nd March Physics - 8:45 - 10:15am Maths 3 (calculator) - 1:30 - 3:00pm Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th April – Art (All Day) – ACTUAL EXAM Thursday April 25th – GCSE PE Practical Moderation – EXTERNAL EXAMINER

Any problems on the day... See Mr Baker, Mr Smith, Mrs Tipping, Tutors, or the Examinations office before any exam, so that they can be resolved. Unless otherwise specified, all morning exams will begin at 8:45am, and afternoon exams at 1:30pm. Student must arrive 30 mins prior to the start time

Effective Revision Revision Week Resources: On the Student Learning Environment. Effective revision ideas and techniques. Exam stress management. Will also be placed on the school website, along with all other subject talk information from this evening. We asked all students from Year 11 last year for the one things they wish they would do again, if they had the opportunity…. 72% indicated this…

GCSE Mathematics Paper 1: Non-calculator – Tuesday 21st May 2019 AM (before half term) Paper 2: Calculator - Thursday 6th June 2019 AM Paper 3: Calculator - Tuesday 11th June 2019 AM All papers are worth 80 marks and last 1 hour 30 minutes.

Grade Boundaries GCSE is harder = Lower Grade Boundaries Don’t be put off if you can’t answer all the questions! Try to pick up marks throughout the paper Summer 2017 Sumer 2018

GCSE Mathematics Revision Useful Websites and Resources: CGP Mathsbuster CD (£12.99 on Amazon or already purchased through school) (practice questions sorted by topic/grade, with worked solutions, free) (practise questions sorted by topic, also 5-a-day mixed topic questions, free) (username: fullbrook, Password: triangle) Edexcel 9-1 Revision Guide and Edexcel 9-1 workbook (each £6 on Amazon) Exam Packs available this half term – 18 papers (£2 per pack) Additional practice papers available in maths office (£1 per pack of 6)

GCSE Mathematics Revision Exam Packs – Use in your own time for revision, answers on Student Learning Environment by Easter Weekly Homework - Exam papers Thursday Drop-in after school in Rm 18 & 22 – Open more rooms! Easter & Between Exam Revision Finally - “LITTLE AND OFTEN” is the best way to learn and remember maths skills. It is so much better to do 20 mins a day than to sit down and try and do 2 hours once a week. - “PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT” – Make sure you are checking your answers either with your teacher or online.

Contacts Mrs Robinson, Head of KS4 Maths Mr Evans, Head of Maths And/or maths teacher

English Literature: AQA Concerns or queries Miss E Mason (Head of English) Email via English Literature: AQA Revision ideas: Quiet place to read and study Re-read set texts Record quotations on post-its, flash cards, mind maps etc. Create mind maps/flash cards relating to the characters and themes in set texts. Practice Papers – SLE YouTube revision videos Snap Revision guides – available from the department, £2.50 each 15th May 2019 Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th Century Novel (1hr 45 mins) 2 sections: Macbeth or Romeo and Juliet Jekyll and Hyde or A Christmas Carol 23rd May 2019 Paper 2: Modern Texts and Poetry (2hrs 15 mins) 3 sections: Lord of the Flies or An Inspector Calls ‘Power and Conflict’ or ‘Love and Relationships' poetry (15 poems) Unseen poetry

English Language: AQA English Drop In: Day 6 Revision ideas: Concerns or queries Miss E Mason (Head of English) Email via English Language: AQA Revision ideas: Quiet place to read and study Read a wide variety of non- fiction and fiction texts: newspapers, articles, editorials, short stories, biographies, auto-biographies etc. Practice Papers – SLE Expanding vocabulary YouTube revision videos 4th June 2019 Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing (1hr 45 mins) 2 sections: Section A: 4 questions Section B: 1 creative writing question 7th June 2019 Paper 2: Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives (1hr 45 mins) 2 sections: Section A: 4 questions Section B: 1 non-fiction writing question English Drop In: Day 6

Science Mainstream: Combined Science Fast Track: Biology, Chemistry and Physics Combined Science exams will consist of: 6 exams (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) all worth 16.7% each. These 6 exams are averaged and two similar final grades are awarded for the Combined Science GCSE. Separate Science exams will consist of: 2 exams in Biology both worth 50% each. 2 exams in Chemistry both worth 50% each. 2 exams in Physics both worth 50% each. The Papers: Will be 75 min & 70 marks for Combined Science & 105 min and 100 marks for Separate Science. Foundation papers allow for grades 1-5 while Higher papers allow for grades 4 - 9 Questions in all papers will have a mixture of multiple choice, structured, closed short answer and open response.

Science Key Dates – Separate Science and combined science exams take place at the same time. Biology Paper 1: 14th May 2019 Chemistry Paper 1: 16th May 2019 Physics Paper 1: 22nd May 2019 Biology Paper 2: 7th June 2019 Chemistry paper 2: 12th June 2019 Physics Paper 2: 14th June 2019

Biology: Topic 1- cell biology Topic 2 – organisation Topic 3- Infections and Response Topic 4- Bioenergetics Topic 5- Homeostasis and response Topic 6- Genetics, variation and Evolution Topic 7- Ecology Chemistry: Topic 1- Atomic Structure Topic 2 – Bonding Topic 3- Quantitative Chemistry Topic 4- Chemical Changes Topic 5- Energy Changes Topic 6- Rate of Reaction Topic 7- Hydrocarbons Topic 8- Chemical Analysis Topic 9- Atmosphere Topic 10- Sustainable Development Physics: Topic 1- Energy Topic 2 – Electricity Topic 3- Matter Topic 4- Atomic Structure Topic 5- Forces Topic 6- Waves Topic 7- Magnetism and Electromagnetism Topic 8 (triple only)- Space

Science Revision: Topic specific revision sessions are every Day 3. Drop in session will run on Day 8- If students attend these sessions they need to come with specific questions We have an open door policy so if students want any help at any time please come and find a member of staff in one of the Science staff rooms. Easter Exam Revision We have created core practical revision packs Revision check sheets, knowledge planners and revision mats have already been placed on showmyhomework Past papers are available at AQA online. Lots of revision guides are available to buy, just make sure they cover the 2016 AQA courses SAM learning is a brilliant resource to help improve subject knowledge.

Past Paper Exam Questions from exam board AQA: Science Useful Resources Past Paper Exam Questions from exam board AQA: 8464/assessment-resources Revision Websites: (has revision pages and practise questions) separate-science (past exam questions broken down into topics and videos on each chapter in science) ( youtube videos on each topics in science) (Provides revision notes and questions for GCSE sciences. Has been updated for 9-1.) (A range of revision materials that could be downloaded and printed off with summaries of key facts)

GCSE French, German, Spanish and Urdu Speaking exam : Monday 29th April – Friday 3rd May 2019 (times to go to students by mid-March – priority over other appointments or plenty of notice to change) Listening exam : Prepare by revising vocab 5 minutes/day ; practise using past papers (Edexcel), Revision Workbook (£3), SAM Learning ; ask teacher. Reading exam : Prepare in same way as for Listening plus Translation booklet and Literary Texts booklet. Writing Exam : Learn topic vocabulary, 3 tenses and revise from practise tasks / feedback from teachers. Foundation or Higher for all 4 exams. Entries have been made. Foundation = Grade 1-5 Higher = Grade 4-9 Contact – Mrs J Armstrong – Head of MFL -

Religious Studies Contact Mrs L’grindi, Head of RS

Religious Studies Exam Board: AQA Religious Studies Specification A – 100% examination GCSE Religious Studies: The Study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices (8062) – 1 hr 45 minute exam, 13th May (PM) Students will receive two booklets, one for Christianity and one for Islam. Students must answer all questions: Christianity (Beliefs) Christianity (Practices) Islam (Beliefs) Islam (Practices) GCSE Religious Studies: Thematic Studies (8062) – 1 hr 45 minute exam, 20th May (AM) Students must answer questions on 4 out of 6 themes of the 4 we have studied: Theme A: Relationships and families. Theme B: Religion and life. Theme C: The existence of God and revelation. Theme D: Religion, peace and conflict. Theme E: Religion, crime and punishment. Theme F: Religion, human rights and social justice

Religious Studies Revision materials have been provided for students free of charge. These are also available on SMHW. Students can choose to purchase a revision guide from the Exam Board: Oxford University Press - AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Islam Revision Guide Students are encouraged to revise little and often. They are currently revising in class but it would be wise for them to go over each topic at home after the lesson and have a go at practice exam questions which are in their revision guides. Students are expected to learn real-life examples and quotes that can be used in their exam. Students are encouraged to ask questions about the exam to their teachers.

Subject talk locations Business Studies - Room 10 Geography - Step up to University Theatre PE - Room 22 Drama -  Room 23 Media Studies - Room 12 Art - Room 24 Technology RM and Graphics - Room 14 History - The hall Computing - Room 16 Sociology - Room 18 Tech Food - Room 20