Preparing Your Heart August 2016 Glad Reapers - Austin
The Greatest Work on Earth! “The conversion of souls to God is the greatest, the noblest work in which human beings can have a part. In this work are revealed God's power, His holiness, His forbearance, and His unbounded love. Every true conversion glorifies Him and causes the angels to break forth into singing.” {Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7, p. 52.1}
The Greatest Work on Earth! “By giving the gospel to the world it is in our power to hasten our Lord's return. We are not only to look for but to hasten the coming of the day of God. 2 Peter 3:12, margin…” Desire of Ages p. 633.3
The Greatest Work on Earth! “They [some who share God’s last message] do not improve the opportunities that they have of gaining the confidence of unbelievers, by their exemplary deportment, their unselfish interest for the good of others, their kindness, forbearance, humbleness of mind, and their respectful courtesy…”
The Greatest Work on Earth! “…These fruits of the Spirit will exert a far greater influence than will the preaching in the desk without individual effort in families. But the preaching of pointed, testing truths to the people, and corresponding individual efforts from house to house to back up pulpit effort, will greatly extend the influence for good, and souls will be converted to the truth.—Testimonies for the Church vol. 3, p.233
We Need Jesus! “When the mind dwells upon self, it is turned away from Christ, the source of strength and life. Hence it is Satan’s constant effort to keep the attention diverted from the Savior and thus prevent the union and communion of the soul with Christ. The pleasures of the world, life’s cares and perplexities and sorrows, the faults of others, or your own faults and imperfections—to any or all of these he will seek to divert the mind. Do not be misled by his devices.” Steps to Christ p. 71
We Need Jesus! Jesus is our… Creator Redeemer Healer Savior Lord Intercessor Soon-coming King
We Need Jesus! Every Bible Doctrine is a picture of Jesus. For example Salvation Sabbath Spiritual Gifts Stewardship Scriptures Sanctuary Second Coming
We Need Jesus! Jesus can take care of our… Past -1 John 1:9 Present - 1 John 2:1 Future - 1 John 2:25
We Need Jesus! We connect with Jesus when we… Pray to Him Who we are praying to! 5 Finger, ACTS, Lord’s Prayer, etc. Pray Aloud Bible verse & Prayer Journal Study His Word Regular time, place, plan Find verse that speaks to heart Memorize
We Need Jesus! We connect with Jesus when we… Pray to Him Study His Word Reflect on Him Thank Him Praise Him Sing to/about Him Memorize His Word Help others in His name Talk about Him to others Put on His armor (Ephesians 6)
We Need Jesus! Apps that help us connect with Jesus Bible EGW Writings Scripture Typer Sabbath School SDA Hymnal AudioVerse Sabbath Ideas The Sabbath HOPE Channel, etc.
Jesus Transforms Us! 3 Convictions 1. Have you come to the place in your life where you can say... I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I know He has forgiven all my sins and promised me a home in heaven, and He’s willing to give me victory each day of my life as I ask Him.
Jesus Transforms Us! 3 Convictions 2. Have you come to the place in your life where you can say... I understand that the Bible is different from any other book ever written—it is God’s voice speaking to me. I’m willing to ask the Holy Spirit to change my life to match all the teachings of the Bible. I want to learn something from the Bible every day.
Jesus Transforms Us! 3 Convictions 3. Have you come to the place in your life where you can say... I realize that in these last days God is raising up His final movement for the purpose of taking the gospel to all the world and encouraging each other in holy living. Just like the early Christian church, it keeps all the commandments of God, it arose as a result of prophecy, teaches and preaches prophecy and has a prophet in it. And I want to be a part of God’s final worldwide movement.
Jesus Transforms Us! Jesus will help me manage my… Relationships Purity Forgiveness Kindness
Jesus Transforms Us! Jesus will help me manage my… Time Daily Communion with Him in Bible Study & Prayer Regular Time, Place & Plan Sabbath - Rest, Blessed, Sanctified Sabbath - Avoid work, shopping, sports
Jesus Transforms Us! Jesus will help me manage my… Money Tithe - First 10% released to world Tithe Fund Offerings - Local Church and as Jesus impresses Avoid debt
Jesus Transforms Us! Jesus will help me manage my… Mind & Body Thoughts - Philippians 4:6-8 Internal vs. External beauty No alcohol, tobacco, narcotics, unclean meat Water instead of caffeine or sugar Pursue good nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, balance, fresh air, rest
Jesus Transforms Us! “Fear [Reverence] God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.” Revelation 14:7.
Jesus Transforms Us! It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the Scriptures what is truth, and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow his example. We should day by day study the Bible diligently, weighing every thought and comparing scripture with scripture. With divine help we are to form our opinions for ourselves as we are to answer for ourselves before God. {The Great Controversy 598.2}
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