Creation of simplified parts: 1.1. Using of Simplified Assembly tool to simplify parts in which have to be deleted inner volume.
1.1.1. Selection of model which have to be simplified
1.1.2. Choose function for hole blinding.
1.1.3. Put a less then diameter of holes which have to be blinded.
1. 1. 4. Check if are selected all holes which to be blinded 1.1.4. Check if are selected all holes which to be blinded. If not, use selection / deselection with Shift key to add or remove holes 1.1.5. The bottom plate holes should not be blinded.
1.1.6. If are all holes selected, we can confirm next. 1.1.7. Now all the holes are blinded. We can confirm next.
1.1.8. For next step of Simplifying select one external face of part. 1.1.9. Now select edges defining the boundaries between exterior and interior. Is possible to select whole surfaces, but for more exact selection is better select specific edges.
1.1.10. Check if are selected all necessary edges 1.1.11. Confirm next.
1.1.12. Choose “Leak Check” 1.1.13. Select one or more interior faces.
1.1.14. Now can be checked if interior faces are correctly selected from exterion. If yes, confirm next.
1.1.15. Confirm finish
1.1.16. In case occasion to deletion of some easier shapes we can use function “Delete Face” with choice “Boss or Pocket Faces” for selection.