VISION FOR SUCCESS GOALS aPRIL 9, 2019 Alice van Ommeren, EdD | Elizabeth Pratt, EdD | Jacqueline Honda, EdD Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
Ambitious goals set by the Chancellor's Office: Vision for Success Goals SAN JOSÉ · EVERGREEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Ambitious goals set by the Chancellor's Office: 1 - Increase completion of awards 2 - Increase transfer to CSU/UC 3 - Decrease unit accumulation for AA/AS 4 - Increase field of study employment for CTE 5 - Reduce equity gaps across all measures* 6 - Reduce regional achievement gaps** * Work in progress, disaggregated data being finalized by CCCCO ** Not part of college goal setting activities
College goals, not district goals Vision for Success Goals SAN JOSÉ · EVERGREEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT College goals, not district goals Align with existing plans and priorities Use Student Success Metrics dashboard Review baseline data and set goals Timeline to achieve goals by 2021-22 Use participatory governance process Board of Trustees adopt the goals May 31, 2019 submit goals to the CCCCO
Vision for Success Goals - SJCC SAN JOSÉ · EVERGREEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Among all students, increase the number of: 2016-17 2020-21 % Increase 1B. Chancellor’s Office Certificates (20%) 544 653 20% 2A. Associate Degrees of Transfer (35%) 175 237 35% Among all students, decrease average units for: 2016-17 2020-21 % Decrease 3A. Associate Degrees, including ADT (79 units, -9%) 99 89 -9% Among all students, increase: 2016-17 2020-21 % Increase 4C. Jobs Closely Related to Field of Study (10%) 72% 79% 10%
Vision for Success Goals - EVC SAN JOSÉ · EVERGREEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Among all students, increase the number of: 2016-17 2020-21 % Increase 1A. Associate Degrees, including ADTs (20%) 598 758 27% 1B. Chancellor’s Office Certificates (20%) 70 84 20% 1C. Vision Goal Completions (20%) 639 766 2A. Associate Degrees of Transfer (35%) 275 371 35% 2B. Transfer to CSU or UC (35%) 767* 1,035 Among all students, decrease average units for: 2016-17 2020-21 % Decrease 3A. Associate Degrees, including ADT (79 units, -9%) 96 87 -8% Among all students, increase: 2016-17 2020-21 % Increase 4A. Median Annual Earnings (10%) $31,700 $34,236 8% 4C. Jobs Closely Related to Field of Study (10%) 60% 66% 10% *Baseline for transfer is 2015-16, not 2016-17