Energy Storage and Transfer ©American Modeling Teachers Association 2015
The Story so far… Energy Motion We can “see” and measure motion Force Energy causes changes in matter Energy can be stored and transferred We can “feel” and measure force An unbalanced Force is needed to cause a change in motion (acceleration) But what does energy have to do with motion and forces? ?
Energy is like Money Energy, like money, can be stored in different accounts.
Energy, like money, can be transferred in different ways. Energy is transferred like Money Energy, like money, can be transferred in different ways.
Energy is also like Information Both energy and information can be stored and transferred in different ways.
Energy At the Macroscopic Level We’ll use a simulation to help us think about energy at the macroscopic level. Click on image to open simulation
As the skateboarder goes down the ramp what quantities change? Energy causes Change As the skateboarder goes down the ramp what quantities change? What can be measured? Both the forces required to get the skater to move, how far the skater travels, the speed, etc. The bigger the change in the value of these quantities, the more energy transferred
Energy Accounts Just like with particles it is Kinetic Energy (KE): Just like with particles it is the energy associated with Motion. Potential Energy (PE): Is a type of stored energy associated with an object’s position. At the macroscopic level it can thought of as dissipated energy because it is the “heat” leaving the system. Thermal Energy:
You’ll be manipulating this Skate Park simulation to observe energy at the macroscopic level Kinetic energy Potential energy Thermal energy - dissipated energy due to friction
Now let’s try #1 on your worksheet